Külpolitika - A Magyar Külügyi Intézet elméleti-politikai folyóirata - 1983 (10. évfolyam)

1983 / 3. szám - Idegen nyelvű tartalomjegyzék

CONTENTS INTRODUCTION (Mihály Simái) HELSINKI, PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE, PEACE STUDIES János Péter: What can be concluded from the preparatory work for the Helsinki Conference László J. Kiss: Peace studies and the new peace movement Gyula Bognár: Peaceful coexistence in our own days (Theory & international affairs) THE ECONOMY AND ARMAMENTS Mihály Simái: The world economic crisis of the 1980s and the arms race Tamás Szentes: The economic consequences of world-wide rearmament ON CONFLICTS László Valki: International conflicts and international legal sanctions Rudolf Joó: The causes and characteristics of ethnic conflicts (the defining factors of national minority relations) WAR, MILITARY POLICY, MILITARY TECHNOLOGY László B. SzJanyik: The consequences of nuclear war István Kende: War as the continuation of politics in the nuclear age László Tolnay: Deterrence and deployment György Szentesi: Timely questions concerning military policy and military technology of the development and limitation of strategic weapons 128

