Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 2010

FOREIGN AFFAIRS'YEARBOOK OF HUNGARY oa 2010 Government decision on the authorisation given for the establishment of the fi­nal text of the Third Supplemental Memorandum of Understanding between the Republic of Hungary and the European Union [1008/2010. (1. 22.) Korm.] 192 Government decision on the authorisation given for the establishment of the final text of the Convention concerning the construction and operation of a European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility (XFEL) between the Government of the Repub­lic of Hungary, the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark, the Government of the French Republic, the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Government of the Hellenic Republic, the Government of the Republic of Italy, the Government of the Republic of Poland, the Government of the Russian Federa­tion, the Government of the Slovak Republic, the Government of the Kingdom of Spain, the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden, the Government of the Swiss Confederation and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [1009/2010.(1.22.) Korm.] 193 Government decision on the authorisation given for the establishment of the final text of the CEATSTermination Agreement providing for the termination ofthe Agree­ments on Central European AirTraffic Services (CEATS) [1010/2010. (1. 22.) Korm.] 194 February 195 Government decision on the authorisation given for the establishment ofthe fi­nal text ofthe Interim Agreement on the establishment ofthe framework ofthe Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Union and its Member States and the nations of Eastern and Southern Africa [1020/2010. (II. 5.) Korm.] 195 Government decision on the authorisation given for the establishment of the final text ofthe bilateral Agreement between the Government ofthe Republic of Hungary and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus on cooperation in research and development 1021/2010. (II. 5.) Korm 195 Government decision on the approval ofthe recommendations accepted at Ses­sion VII ofthe Hungarian-Romanian Committee Specialised on Cooperation re­lated to Minorities and at Session IX ofthe Hungarian-Slovak Mixed Committee on Minorities [1022/2010. (II. 5.) Korm.] 196 xxiv

