Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 2003

Resolution of the National Assembly on Convention No. 183 accepted at the 88 th session of the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation and on the approval of the Report on Recommendation No. 191 (72/2003. /VI.24 ,/OGy.) 272 Resolution of the National Assembly on the acceptance of the report on the foreign armed forces permitted to transit the territory of, and the details of their transit of, the Republic of Hungary with the aim of giving assistance in the solution of the humanitarian emergency situation that evolved after the South Slav crisis (73/2003./VI.24./OGy.) 272 Briefing of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs - by the way of its Spokesman - on the diplomatic steps taken with reeard to the Republic of Croatia 272 Joint Declaration on the summit between the Prime Ministers of the V-4 countries and Ukraine (Tale, Slovakia, 24-25 June 2003) 273 Briefing of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs - by the way of its Spokesman - on the step taken concerning the Benefit Law relating to Hungarians living in the neighbouring countries 274 Briefing of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs - by the way of its Spokesman - on its standpoint concerning the worries of the environment protection NGO related to the international agreement 275 July Decision of the Government on the approval and the promulgation of the Agreement signed between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Government of Romania on mutual visa exemption (2140/2003./VII. l./Korm.) 276 Decision of the Government on the further improvement of the commercial conditions of the processed agricultural products falling under Protocol No. 3 to the European Agricultural Convention (2142/2003./VII. l./Korm.) 276 Communiqué of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the diplomatic step taken towards the Slovak Republic 277 Speech delivered by Prime Minister Dr. Péter Medgyessy in the debate at the international conference on Progressive Governance (Bagshot, Great Britain, 13 July 2003) 278 Act LVII of 2003 on the amendment of Act LXII of 2001 on Hungarians living in neighbouring countries 279 Joint Declaration made by the Hungarian and Slovak Foreign Ministers 292 XXII

