Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1999

Act No.XXXVlI/1999 on the ratification and promulgation of the Agreement concluded between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Government of Ukraine on confidence- and security-building measures and the development of bilateral military relations 222. Briefing of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, through its Spokesman, on the official Hungarian assessment of the recent developments of the Kosovo crisis 223. April Statement of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the official Hungarian recep­tion of the international developments in the matter of the terrorist action committed in 1989, in the area of Lockerbie, Scotland, against an airliner... .225. Briefing to the National Assembly of prime Minister Dr Viktor Orbán on the position of the Government regading the Kosovo crisis and the NATO moves aimed at resolving it 225. Resolutions of the National Assembly on the participation of the Republic of Hungary in die humanitarian aid operation to be provided for Albania (29/1999.IV.OGy. and ,33/1999.V.OGy.) 230. Briefing of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, through its spokesman, on Hungarian-Russian relations in connection with the Kosovo crisis 231. Briefing for die National Assembly by Prime Minister Dr Viktor Orbán on the Government's assessment of die current state of affairs as regards die Kosovo crisis 231. May Decision of the Government of the Republic of Hungary on the accession to the April 23, 1999 Common Position of die Council of the European Union imposing an embargo against Yugoslavia (2086/1999.V. 3.Korm.) 234. Decision of die Government of die Republic of Hungary on the approval of the Agreement on air traffic concluded between the Government of die Republic of Hungary and die Government of Canada (2090/1999.V.5.Korm.) 235. XXIV

