Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1999
March Decision of the Government of the Republic of Hungary on assistance for the reconstruction of Hungarian settlements in Croatia (1027/1999. II.3. Korm.) 193. Decision of the Government of the Republic of Hungary on the accession to the Intenational Committee of Personal Status (CIEC) (2040/1999. III.3. Korm.) 193. Briefing of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, through its Spokesman, on the diplomatic move towards the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 194. Resolutions of die National Assembly on troop movements planned on the basis of bilateral and multilateral agreements of 1999 and requiring parliamentary approval and on die use by foreigners, for compensation, of training grounds and shooting ranges in Hungary (11/1999.111. 5.OGy. and 71/1999.IX.30.0Gy.) 195. Resolution of the National Assembly on the ratification of die Supplementary Protocol of 1998 to the 1948 Convention on die regulation of the system of navigation on the Danube (18/1999.111.8.0Gy.) 201. Act No. IV/ 1999 on the ratification and promulgation of the Security Agreement concluded between the Republic of Hungary and the Western European Union (WEU) 202. Act No.V/1999 on the ratification and promulgation of the Security Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and NATO, and the Operational Guidelines forming an annex to it 205. Act No.XIX/1999 on die ratification and promulgation of the Agreement concluded between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the mutual protection of classified defence information 208. Act No.XXVl/1999 on the ratification and promulgation of die Agreement concluded between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on defence and military cooperation 209. XXII