Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1997

Informa tory of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (by its spokes­man) on the Hungarian official assessment of the American­Russian summet meeting 262. Decree of the Government of the Republic of Hungary (No. 52/1997.III. 26.Korm.) on the promulgation of the residence agreement on the legal situation between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Regional Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Budapest 156. Decision of the Government of the Republic of Hungary (No. 2074/1997.III. 26.Korm. and its supplementary one No. 2144/1997.VI. 4.Korm.) on the continuation of the partici­pation by Hungary in the international forces (IPTF) and peace-keeping missions (UNAVEM, MINURSO) of the United Nations 161. Resolution of the National Assembly of the Republic of Hungary (No. 25/1997.III. 28.OGy.) on the usage by NATO-airplanes of the air space of the Republic of Hungary 163. Resolution of the National Assembly of the Republic of Hungary (No. 26/1997.III. 28.OGy.) on the ratification of the Agreement on free trade between the Republic of Hungary and the Republic Turkey 163. Resolution of the National Assembly of the Republic of Hungary (No. 27/1997.III.28,OGy.) modifying its resolution of 1993 (on the withdrawal of its declaration of 1993) concerning the ratification of the European Charter of Local Governments 164. April Foreign Minister László Kovács 's address delivered at the Forum of the Austrian-Hungarian Parliamentary Dialogue 165. Decision of the Government of the Republic of Hungary (No. 2095/1997.IV. 18.Korm.) on the accession as a member state to the Found of Civil Society Development of the Council of Europe 174. XL VI

