Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1996

Honoraiy Consuls and Consul-Generals of the Republic of Hungary (Lhe situation on December 31, 1996) 316. Membership of the Republic of Hungary in international organizations (December 31. 1996) 334. Hungarian membership and offices in the elected or appointed bodies of the United Nations and its specialized agencies (December 31. 1996) 337. Hungarian officials in international organizations (the situation on December 31, 1996) 344. List of diplomatic representatives accredited to the Republic of Hungary (Ihe situation on December 31. 1996)....345. Lisi of I he missions (their Heads) of international organizations accredited to Hungary (December 31. 1996) 377. Basic data on Hungary's foreign trade - 1996 379. APPENDICES REGISTER OF BILATERAL AND MULTILATERAL INTERNATIONAL TREATIES CONCLUDED BY THE REPUBLIC OF HUNGARY, AND PROMULGATED AND PUBLISHED IN 1996 383-397. I. List of bilateral treaties 383. II. Supplement lo the lisl of "Multilateral treaties to which the Republic of Hungary is a party and which were concluded outsid e the framework of the United Nations or its specialized agencies" 393. XXII

