Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1996

J Li ri e Resolution of the National Assembly (No. 46/1996. VI. 7. OGy.) on the passage through and temporary stationing in Hungary of the UN peacekeeping forces (UNTAES) 193. Address by Gyula Horn, Prime Minister of the Republic of Hungary, at (he meeting of the European Council and the government leaders of the Central, Eastern and Southern European countries affiliated with the EU 193. July Joint Communiqué of the Goverment of the Republic of Hungary, the Hungarian parliamentary parties, and representatives of the Hungarian minorities living outside the borders of Hungary 197. Decision of the Government (No.2194/ 1996.VIL24.Korm.) on the document of replies to be given to the questionnaire of the European Union's Commission 200. A u g u s t Septem be r Act No. LXX/1996. on the promulgation of the second, fourth, and fifth Supplementary Protocols of the General Agreement on the privileges and immunities of the Council of Europe, dated September 2, 1949, and of the European Convention relating to the persons taking part, in the procedures of the European Commission and Court of Human Rights, dated May 6, 1969 201. XVII

