Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1996
Resolution of the National Assembly (No. 24/1996.111.28. OGy.) on the ratification of the accord signed on April 5, 1995, by the Republic of Hungary and the Republic of Croatia on the protection of the rights of the Croatian minority living in the Republic of Hungary and those of the Hungarian minority living in the Republic of Croatia 163. Decision of the Government (No. 1026/1996.III. 28.Korm.) on the accession of the Republic of Hungary to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development 164. April Informatoiy of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (by its spokesman) on the official Hungarian position regarding North Korea's abrogation of the Korean Armistice Agreement 165. Informatoiy of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (by its spokesman) on the official Hungarian position regarding the renewed armed conflict in the South Lebanon region 166. Decision of the Government (No. 2098/1996.IV.26.Korm.) on the accession to the Special Data Dissemination Standard of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) 166. Resolution of the National Assembly (No. 32/1996.IV. 30. OGy.) on the accession of the Republic of Hungary to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development 167. Act No. XXXIV/ 1996. on the ratification and promulgation of the Security Agreement relating to the protection of classified military infonnation signed on May 16, 1995, between the government of the Republic of Hungaiy and of the government of (lie United States of America 167. XV