Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1995

June Communique of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (by its spokes­man) correcting of certain reports in connection with the talks of the Prime Minister of Hungary in the U.S.A 275. Decision of the Government of the Republic of Hungary relating the accession of Hungaiy to the extended partial agreement on the European Center of Living Languages 275. Informatory of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (by its spokesman) on appreciation of the ratification of the Hungarian-Slovak basic treaty by the National Assembly 276. Statement delivered by Foreign Minister and Chairman-in­Office of the OSCE László Kovács on condemnation of the action committed in Chechnya capturing hostages 276. Resolution of the National Assembly (No.641995.Vl. 17,OGy.) on the transit through and tempoarary stay in Hungary of the United Nations peace-keeping forces (UNCRO, UNPREDEP)..277. Resolution of the National Assembly (No. 75/ 1995.Vl.22.OGy.) on the ratification of the Treaty between the Republic of Hungaiy and the Republic of Slovakia on Good Neighborhood and the Friendly Co-operation 278. Decision of the Government of the Republic of Hungary on accession of Hungary as a member-state to the International Institute of Administration Sciences residing in Brussels 279. July Act No. LXVII/1995. on the codification and accomplishment by the Republic of Hungary of the Framework Document of the "Partnership for Peace" Program, concluded with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization 280. XVI

