Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1995

Address by Árpád Göncz, the President of the Republic of Hungary, to the XXVth Conference of the World Economic Forum 158. February Informatoiy of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (by its spokesman) on the official position concerning the terrorist attack occured in Algeria 165. Informatory of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (by its spokesman) on the official position concerning the conflict between the Republic of Peru and the Republic of Ecuador 165. Introductory exposé by Foreign Minister László Kovács at the National Assembly debating the foreign policy 166. Complementary remarks by Prime Minister Gyula Horn at the National Assembly debating the foreign policy 182. Informatory of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (by its spokesman) on the official position relating the British-Irish agreement on the settlement of the conflict in Northern-Ireland 190. March Resolution of the National Assembly (No. 13/1995.III.3,OGy.) on the ratification of the Treaty between the Republic of Hungaiy and the Russian Federative Socialist Soviet Republic on Friendly Relations and Co-operation, and the exchange of Complementary Letters 191. Speech by Árpád Göncz, the President of the Republic of Hungaiy at the UN World Conference on social development. 191. Treaty between the Republic of Hungary and the Republic of Slovakia on Good Neighborhood and Friendly Co-operation.. 195. XIII

