Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1994

Resolution No. 25/1994.(IV. 13.)OGy. by the National Assembly on the necessary tasks deriving from the arbitrary and unilateral deflection of the river Danube 163. Resolution No.28/1994.(IV. 13.)OGy. by the National Assembly on the ratification of the Basic Treaty of the Republic of Hungary and the Republic of Greece on Friendship and Co-operation 164. Resolution No. 29/1994.(IV.13.)OGy. by the National Assembly on the participation in the Monitoring Mission of the Conference on Security and Co-opleration in Europe (CSCE) in Nagorno­Karabakh 165. Announcement issued by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs concern­ing a diplomatic step direct the Republic of Slovakia 165. May Communique of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the official position relating the Israeli-Palestinian agreement about the autonomy 166. Statement declared by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the situation in the Krim Peninsula 167. Foreign Minister Géza Jeszenszky's address at the opening conference on the European Stability Pact in Paris 167. June Informatory of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (by its spokesman) on the official position relating the events in Yemen 171. Prime Minister Péter Boross' written reply to the letter of Calvinist Bishop of Királyhágó-mellék (Roumania) László Tőkés published on the 11th of april 171. XIII

