Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1992
Informatory issued by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Hungary on a diplomatie step relating the HungarianRoumanian relationship 358. Decree of the Government (No. 159/ 1992.XII. 1 l.Konn.) on enforcement in Hungary of the provision contained in UN Security Council's Resolution No. 787 on the sanctions against Serbia and Montenegro 359. at the session of the CSCE Council of Ministers in Stockholm 360. Governmental Declaration - stated by Foreign Minister Géza Jeszenszky at the session of the CSCE Council of Ministers in Stockholm - on the occassion of establishment of the Czech Republic and the Republic of Slovakia (from the time of January 1, 1993) 365. Speech delivered by Foreign Minister Géza Jeszenszky at the session of the North-Atlantic Cooperation Council in Bruxelles 367. Statement of the Government of Hungary concerning the Declaration approved by the UN General Assembly on the Minority Rights 373. Communique issued by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Hungary on diplomatic recognition of the Czech Republic and the Republic of Slovakia (from the time of January 1, 1993) 374. III. V ACTS and F 1 G U R E S ON THE INTERNATIONAL RESTIONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF HUNGARY 375-475. List of diplomatic and consular relations of the Republic of Hungary (December 31. 1992) 377. A summary, relative to the foregoing 408. XXIII