Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1989

Address by Miklós Németh, member of the Political Bureau of the HSWP Central Committee and Chairman of the Council of Minis­ters, at the 149th general assembly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Excerpts) 211. Communique on the visit to Hungary by Björn Engholm, the current Chairman of the Bundesrat of Federal Republic of Germany 212. Address by Károly Grósz, General Secretary of the HSWP, at the re­ception organized in the honour of delegates participating at aeon 7 f erence held in Budapest of parliamentary parties of fourteen sta­tes (Excerpts) 212. Address by Imre Pozsgay, member of the Political Bureau of the HSWP Central Committee and Minister of State, at the comme­moration of the Israelian State (Excerpts) 214. Statement by Miklós Németh, member of the Political Bureau of the HSWP Central Committee and Chairman of the Council of Mi­nisters, at an international press conference during his friendly working visit to Poland (Excerpts) 214. Declaration pronounced by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (through spokesman) concerning the conference on disarmament 218. Declaration pronounced by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (through spokesman) relating to the Hungarian-Roumanian relations 220. Declaration pronounced by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (through spokesman) concerning the Hungarian-Israelian relations 221. Statement by Deputy Prime Minister dr .Péter Medgyessy on the 131. session of the CMEA Executive Board in Moscow (Inter jview) 221. Account and report by Károly Grósz, General Secretary of the HSWP, for the Political Heads of Troops of the Warsaw Treaty Mem­ber States (Excerpt) 225. Address by Miklós Németh, member of the Political Bureau of the HSWP Central Committee and Chairman of the Council of Minis­ters, at a conference of the Hungarian People's Army (Excerpts) . 226. Request by the Warsaw Treaty Member States to NATO Member Sta­tes 229. Toast by Bruno F. Straub, President of the Presidential Council of the Hungarian People's Republic at the complimentary dinner organi­zed in honour of Georgiosz Vasziliu, President of the Republic of Cyprus (Excerpt) 231. Communique of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the establish­ment of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee 232.

