Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1989

Statement by Foreign Minister dr.Péter Várkonyi on his meeting in Vienna with James Baker, Secretary of the United States of Ame­rica (Interview) 145. Address by Foreign Minister dr .Péter Várkonyi in Vienna at the ope­ning session of a CSCE-conference dealing with measures for strengthening trust and security, and disarmament 146. Address by dr .Mátyás Szűrös, Secretary of the HSWP Central Com­mittee, at the session of the HSWP Central Committee concerning international issues 150. Communique issued by the session of the HSWP Central Committee (Foreign Policy Chapter) 157. Address by Miklós Németh, member of the Political Bureau of the HSWP Central Committee and Chariman of the Council of Minis­ters, preceding the signature of documents on protecting the Earth's athosphere (in the Hague) 159. Statement by Miklós Németh, member of the Polititical Bureau of the HSWP Central Committee and Chairman of the Council of Ministers, on the upcoming meeting with statesmen in the Hague (Inter- view) 160. Address by Károly Grósz, General Secretary of HSWP, at the con­ference of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Budapest 161. Address by Miklós Németh, member of the Political Bureau of the HSWP Central Committee and Chairman of the Council of Minis­ters, at the conference of the ASPEN Institute held in Budapest (Abridged) 165. Statement by Károly Grósz, General Secretary of the HSWP, at a press conference held in Moscow after his talks with M.Sz.Gorba­chev, General Secretary of the SCP Central Committee 168. Communique issued by the session of the HSWP Central Committee (Foreign Policy Chapter) 173. 4­April An interview given by Károly Grósz, General Secretary of the HSWP, on international issues (Excerpt) 175. Address by Károly Grósz, General Secretary of the HSWP, at the Na­tional University of Ungvár during his visit to Sub-Carpathia in the Soviet Union (Excerpts) 178.

