Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1986
Address by Sándor Gáspár, Member of the Political Bureau of the CC of the HSWP, President of the Central Council of the Hungarian Trade Unions and President of the World Federation of Trade Unions, to the 11th Congress of WFTU in Berlin (Excerpts) 268 Communiqué on the visit to the Republic of Austria by Dr. Mátyás Szűrös, Secretary of the CC of the HSWP and Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly 270 Communiqué on the visit to Hungary by M. Solomentsev, Member of the Politbureau of the CC of the CPSU and Chairman of the Commission of Party Control, and his delegation 271 Communiqué on the meeting in Bonn of the Joint Parliamentary Working Group of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party and the Social Democratic Party of Germany 271 Speech by Pál Losonczi, Member of the Political Bureau of the CC of the HSWP and President of the Presidential Council of the Hungarian People's Republic, at the Armed Forces Day celebration (Excerpts) 274 Statement by Foreign Minister Dr. Péter Várkonyi at the 41st session of the United Nations General Assembly 275 October Telegram of congratulations by Hungarian leaders on the occasion of the National Day of the People's Republic of China Telegram of congratulations by Hungarian leaders on the occasion of the National Day of the German Democratic Republic Toast by Pál Losonczi, Member of the Political Bureau of the CC of the HSWP and President of the Presidential Council of the Hungarian People's Republic, at the banquet given in honour of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands on an official visit to Hungary (Excerpts) Communiqué on the 120th session (in Moscow) of the CMEA Executive Committee Toast by Pál Losonczi, Member of the Political Bureau of the С С of the HSWP and President of the Presidential Council of the Hungarian People's Republic, at the gala dinner given in honour of Richard von Weizsäcker, President of the Federal Republic of Germany, on an official visit to Hungary (Excerpts) Communiqué on the meeting (in Bucharest) of the Committee of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Warsaw Treaty Member States Toast by György Lázár, Member of the Political Bureau of the CC of the HSWP and Chairman of the Council of Ministers, at the gala dinner given in honour of Mir Hossein Musavi, Prime Minister of Iran, on an official visit to Hungary (Excerpts) 282 283 283 284 285 287