Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1986

Toast by Pál Losonczi, Member of the Political Bureau of the CC of the HSWP and President of the Presidential Council of the Hungarian People's Republic, at the gala dinner given in Budapest in honour of Canaan Sodin­do Banana, President of the Republic of Zimbabwe (Excerpts) 231 Communiqué on the 18 June 1986 meeting of the CC of the HSWP (Excerpts) • • 232 Joint Communiqué on the official, friendly visit to the Hungarian People's Republic by Canaan Sodindo Banana, President of the Republic of Zimbabwe 234 Communiqué on the visit to Hungary by Meir Vilner, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Israel 236 Greetings from the CC of the HSWP to the 13th Congress of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia (Abridged) 238 Toast by Pál Losonczi, Member of the Political Bureau of the CC of the HSWP and President of the Presidential Council of the Hungarian People's Republic, at the gala dinner given in Budapest in honour of Kenan Evren, President of the Republic of Turkey (Excerpts) 239 July Grettings from the CC of the HSWP to the 10th Congress of the Polish United Workers' Party (Abridged) 240 Communiqué on the visit to Hungary by a delegation of the Moroccan Party of Progress and Socialism 242 Joint Communiqué on the 35th session of the Hungarian—Soviet Intergovern­mental Committee of Economic and Scientific-Technical Coopera­tion 243 Communiqué on the working visit to Hungary by Milos Jakes, Member of the Presidium of the CC of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and Secre­tary of the Central Committee 245 Joint Communiqué on the 24th session of the Hungarian—GDR Committee of Economic and Scientific-Technical Cooperation 245 Telegram of condolences by János Kádár, General Secretary of the HSWP, to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam on the occasion of the demise of Le Duan, General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Vietnam 246 Telegram of congratulations by Hungarian leaders on the occasion of the Na­tional Day of the Mongolian People's Republic 247 Telegram of congratulations by Hungarian leaders on the occasion of the Na­tional Day of the Polish People's Republic 248 Statement by János Kádár, General Secretary of the HSWP, at the meeting of party activists in Nógrád County (Excerpts) 249 Cable of congratulations by Hungarian leaders on the occasion of the National Day of the Republic of Cuba 249

