Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1985

Joint Communiqué on the official visit by Foreign Minister Dr. Péter Vár­konyi to the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria 139 May May Day statement by János Kádár, General Secretary of the HSWP (Ex­cerpts) 140 Toast by Pál Losonczi, Member of the Political Bureau of the CC of the HSWP and President of the Presidential Council of the Hungarian People's Republic, at the Budapest gala dinner in honour of Daniel Ortega, Presi­dent of the Republic of Nicaragua and Coordinator of the Executive Com­mittee of the Sandinist National Liberation Front (Excerpts) 140 Telegram of congratulations by Hungarian leaders on the occasion of the Na­tional Day of the German Democratic Republic 141 Speech by István Sarlós, Member of the Political Bureau of the CC of the HSWP and Speaker of the National Assembly, at a meeting celebrating the 40th anniversary of the victory over fascism (Excerpts) 142 Telegram of congratulations by Hungarian leaders to leaders of the Soviet Un­ion on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the victory over Hitlerite fas­cism 145 Telegram of congratulations by Hungarian leaders on the occasion of the Na­tional Day of the Socialist Republic of Czechoslovakia 146 Communiqué on the meeting (in Budapest) of M.Ps. of the Warsaw Treaty member states 147 Communiqué on the 114th session of the Executive Committee of CMEA .. 149 Speech by Dr. Mátyás Szűrös, Secrataryy of the HSWP, at an electoral mass meeting in Debrecen (Excerpts) 150 Communiqué on the meeting (in Moscow) of the CC Secretaries for Questions of Economic Policy of the communist and workers' parties of the CMEA­countries 152 Speech by Dr. László Maróthy, Member of the Political Bureau of the CC of the HSWP and Deputy Prime Minister, at an electoral mass meeting in Bé­késcsaba (Excerpts) 155 Speech by Károly Németh, Deputy General Secretary of the HSWP, at an electoral mass meeting in Zalaegerszeg (Excerpts) 157 Speech by Pál Losonczi, Member of the Political Bureau of the CC of the HSWP and President of the Presidential Council of the Hungarian People's Republic, at an electoral mass meeting in Kaposvár (Excerpts) 159 Communiqué on a visit to Hungary by Neil Kinnock, Leader of the British Labour Party 161

