Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1983
Joint Communiqué on the official friendly visit to the German Democratic Republic by János Kádár, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the HSWP 372 December Telegram of congratulation by Hungarian leaders on the National Day of the Lao People's Democratic Republic 375 Communiqué on the 7 December 1983 meeting of the Central Committee of the HSWP (Excerpts) 376 Communiqué on the Moscow conference of the Secretaries of the Central Committees of the Communist and Workers' Parties of the socialist countries 379 Address by Miklós Óvári, Member of the Political Bureau of the CC of the HSWP and Secretary of the Central Committee, to the 10th Congress of the Portuguese Communist Party (Excerpts) 382 III. FACTS AND FIGURES ON THE INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF THE HUNGARIAN PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC 385-481 Diplomatic and consular relations of the Hungarian People's Republic 387 Heads of Hungarian missions to international organizations 405 Military and Air Attachés (Assistant Military and Air Attachés) of the diplomatic missions of the Hungarian People's Republic 405 Commercial Counsellors of the diplomatic missions of the Hungarian People's Republic as well as Heads of trade representations and trade offices 409 Membership of the Hungarian People's Republic in international organizations 417 Permanent Representatives of the Hungarian People's Republic to the United Nations and its organizations 421 Hungarian membership and offices in the elected or appointed bodies of the United Nations and its specialized agencies 422 Hungarian officials in intergovernmental and non-govern mental international organizations 429 List of diplomatic representatives accredited in Hungary 461 Basic data on Hungary's foreign trade 476 Data on foreign tourist traffic 478 International relations of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce 479