Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1982

Communiqué on the visit to Hungary by a delegation of the Lebanese Com­munist Party , 291 August Telegram of congratulation by Hungarian leaders on the National Day of the Socialist Republic of Romania 292 September Telegram of congratulation by Hungarian leaders on the National Day of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam 293 Toast by János Kádár, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the HSWP, at a banquet given in honour of Mauno Koivisto, President of the Republic of Finland 294 Telegram of congratulation by Hungarian leaders on the National Day of the People's Republic of Bulgaria 296 Telegram of congratulation by Hungarian leaders on the National Day of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea 297 Joint communiqué on the friendly working visit to Hungary by Gustav Husák, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia 298 Statement by Imre Hollai, Hungarian Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, on his election to the presidency of the United Nations General Assembly at its 37th Session 300 Communiqué on the visit to Hungary by a delegation of the Communist Party of Colombia 305 Statement by Hungarian Foreign Minister Frigyes Puja at the 37th Session of the United Nations General Assembly 306 Joint communiqué on the official visit to the Portuguese Republic by Pál Losonczi, President of the Presidential Council of the Hungarian People's Republic 313 Joint communiqué on the official visit to the Republic of Austria by György Lázár, Member of the Political Bureau of the CC of the HSWP and Chair­man of the Council of Ministers 314 October Toast by János Kádár, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the HSWP, at a banquet given in honour of an Afghan party and state delegation head­ed by Babrak Karmai (Excerpts) 317 Telegram of congratulation by Hungarian leaders on the National Day of the German Democratic Republic 320

