Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1978

CONTENTS I. CHRONICLE OF EVENTS IN THE INTERNATIONAL RELA­TIONS AND FOREIGN POLICY ACTIVITIES OF THE HUN­GARIAN PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC 1 High-level visits 36 Establishment of diplomatic relations in 1978 49 Presentation of Ambassadors' credentials in 1978 49 Participation of Hungary in conferences held under the auspices of the United Nations and its specialized agencies in 1978 .... 51 Participation of Hungary in conferences of international organiza­tions outside the United Nations system in 1978 59 II. DOCUMENTS OF THE INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND FOREIGN POLICY ACTIVITIES OF THE HUNGARIAN PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC 61 January Cable of congratulation by Hungarian leaders on the National Day of the Republic of Cuba 63 Statement by the National Peace Council and the Hungarian Soli­darity Committee on the situation in Chile 63 Address by Antal Apró, Speaker of the National Assembly, at the ceremony marking the return of the Hungarian Crown and coronation regalia 64 Joint communiqué on talks between representatives of the Hun­garian Socialist Workers' Party and the Communist Party of Germany 66 Joint communiqué on the official friendly visit to Hungary by Ali Nasser Mohamed, Prime Minister of the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen 67 Joint communiqué on the official friendly visit by Foreign Minister Frigyes Puja to the People's Republic of Angola 70 Statement by the National Peace Council on the proscription of the Egyptian Peace Council 71 Joint communiqué on the official friendly visit to Mozambique by Foreign Minister Frigyes Puja 71 February Joint communiqué on the official visit to Belgium by Foreign Min­ister Frigyes Puja 72

