Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1974

Communiqué on the visit by a Hungarian trade union delegation to the Netherlands 106 Communiqué on the visit to Hungary by a delegation of the Commu­nist Party of Greece 107 June Joint statement on the official talks of Foreign Minister Frigyes Pu ja held in Syria 108 Communiqué on the visit by Foreign Minister Frigyes Pu ja to Iraq 109 Communiqué on the June 20, 1974 meeting of the Central Com­mittee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party (Excerpts) 110 Communiqué on the 28th session of the CMEA 113 Statement by Prime Minister Jenő Fock to the correspondents of „Népszabadság" and MTI (Hungarian Telegraphic Agency) on the 28th session of the CMEA 117 Communiqué on the visit to Hungary by a Party and Government Delegation of the Mongolian People's Republic 120 July Communiqué on the visit to Syria by a delegation of the Hungarian Socialist Workers'Party 125 Communiqué on the consultations between the delegations of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party and of the Communist Party of Lebanon 127 Stand by the Hungarian Peace Council on the unlawful trials in Chile 128 August Joint communiqué on the visit to Hungary by the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone 129 Communiqué on the visit to Hungary by Piotr Jaroszewicz, Prime Minister of the Polish People's Republic 131 Communiqué on talks in Hungary between Deputy Prime Minister György Lázár and Le Thanh Nghi, Deputy Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam 133 Communiqué on the visit by Prime Minister Jenő Fock to Bulgaria 134

