Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1974
CONTENT I. CHRONICLE OF EVENTS IN THE INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND FOREIGN POLICY ACTIVITIES OF THE HUNGARIAN PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC 1 Mutual visits of party, government and other high-level delegations 38 II. DOCUMENTS OF THE INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND FOREIGN POLICY ACTIVITIES OF THE HUNGARIAN PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC 43 January Communiqué on the visit by Foreign Minister Frigyes Puja to the Soviet Union 45 Statement by Sándor Gáspár, General Secretary of the Central Council of Trade Unions to "Népszabadság" on the Geneva conference 46 Communiqué on the conference of the Secretaries of the Central Committees of the Communist and Workers' Parties of the socialist countries 49 February Communiqué on the visit to Hungary by Horst Sindermann, Prime Minister of the German Democratic Republic 51 Position of the Patriotic People's Front, the Hungarian Peace Council and the Hungarian Solidarity Committee on solidarity with the Chilean people 52 Communiqué on the visit by Foreign Minister Frigyes Puja to Austria 52 Joint communiqué on the visit to Hungary by Abdul Salem Jallud, Prime Minister of the Libyan Arab Republic 53 Communiqué on the visit to Hungary by the delegation of the Algerian National Liberation Front 55