Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1972

Statement by János Kádár, First Secretary of the Central Com­mittee of the HSWP on the visit to Hungary of Dr. Fidel Castro Ruz, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and Chairman of the Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Cuba . 123 Joint communiqué on the visit to Hungary by Dr. Fidel Castro Ruz, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Com­munist Party of Cuba and Chairman of the Revolutionary Go­verment of the Republic of Cuba 124 Communiqué on the visit to Austria by the delegation of the HSWP 129 Communiqué on the June 14—15, 1972 meeting of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party (Excerpt) 13Q Statement by Lajos Czinege, Minister of Home Defence on the visit to Czechoslovakia of the delegation of the Hungarian People's Army (Excerpts) 133 Speech by Foreign Minister János Péter at the June 22, 1972 session of the National Assembly 134 Joint communiqué on the visit to Hungary by Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India 142 Statement by János Kádár, First Secretary of the Central Com­mittee of the HSWP to the Bulgarian News Agency on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the birth of Georgi Di­mitrov 145 July Communiqué on the talks of János Péter, Hungarian and Bohuslav Chnoupek, Czechoslovak Foreign Ministersheld in Budapest 146 Joint communiqué on the official, friendly visit to the Mongolian People's Republic by Jenő Fock, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Hungarian People's Republic 147 Joint communiqué on the talks of János Kádár. First Secretary of the Central Committee of the HSWP and Gustav Husak, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Com­munist Party of Czechoslovakia 151 Communiqué on the 26th session of the COMECON 152 Statement by Jenő Fock, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Hungarian People's Republic to Hungarian journalists after the 26th session of the COMECON 157

