Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1970
Address by Árpád Pullai, secretary of the Central Committee of the HSWP, at the festive meeting held in Parliament on the occasion of the semijubilee of the Society of Hungarian-Soviet Friendship 126 Joint communiqué on the state visit to Hungary by President Franz Jonas of the Republic of Austria 127 Joint communiqué on the state visit to Hungary by President Nimeiri of the Sudan 129 Communiqué on the conference of the Foreign Ministers of the Warsaw Treaty Member States 132 Memorandum. Drawn up by the Warsaw Treaty Foreign Ministers at their conference on topical questions concerning a Conference on European security 134 1Ф Joint communiqué on the official friendly visit to Mongolia by Pál Losonczi, President of the Presidential Council 136 Statement by Gyula Kállai, President of the National Assembly, on the occasion of the Week of Hungarian-Finnish Friendship 138 Communiqué on the July 15—16, 1970, meeting of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party 140 The 48th session of the CMEA Executive Committee in Moscow 141 Statement by Antal Apró, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers, on the CMEA Executive Committee session 143 August Visit to Hungary by a delegation of the Syrian Arab Socialist Baath Party 146 Address by Pál Losonczi, President of the Presidential Council, at the Constitution Day mass meeting held in Székesfehérvár on the occasion of the 1000th anniversary of the birth of King Stephen (Excerpts) 147 Speech by Zoltán Komócsin, secretary of the Central Committee of the HSWP, at the Constitution Day mass meeting held in Esztergom .... 149 Meeting of the Warsaw Treaty Political Consultative Committee 152 Joint communiqué on the Hungarian-Sudanese talks (Excerpts) 152 Joint communiqué on the Hungarian-Tanzanian talks 154