Hungarian Studies Newsletter, 1985 (13. évfolyam, 43-46. szám)
1985 / 43-44. szám
AM I / Vi I AMERICAN HUNGARIAN FOUNDATION HUNGARIAN STUDIES NEWSLETTER BOOKS Andorka, Rudolf and Tamás Kolosi, eds. STRATIFICATION AND INEQUALITIES. Budapest: InstituteforSocial Sciences. No. 1 of the Hungarian Sociological Studies published by Hungarian Sociological Association. General editors: László Cseh-Szombathy, Tama's Kolosi, and Tamás Szecskó'. 314 pages, tables, diagrams, biblio. Forint 88.00 paper. Formal sociology was a latecomer among the disciplinary orientations in Hungary. It claimed its rightful place among the social sciences in the 1960s, when it introduced a new approach to the investigation of social stratification. Based on a survey of 15,000 households on income distribution and social stratification, it showed in 1963 that the fledgling has successfully tried its wings as demonstarted also by sophisticated studies in subsequent years. This volume consists of an introduction by Andorka and 12 essays by as many authors. It was prepared for a meeting of the Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility of the International Sociological Association, held in Budapest in 1984. Areas of concern as represented by the essays include status and stratification, lifestyle, deprivation, labor market and lifestyles, unequal opportunities, social mobility, intellectuals, agricultural producers, commuters, local society. Differences between social strata have diminished when compared to the presocialist structure. The differences between social groups seem to be less marked in the field of income than in working conditions, time spent at work, housing conditions, etc. “The most pronounced differentiation appears in the dimensions of the way of life." Andorka ischairman of the Department of Sociology, Marx K.U. (Budapest). Antokoletz, Elliott. THE MUSIC OF BÉLA BARTÓK; A Study of Tonality and Progression in Twentieth-Century Music. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA 94720,1984. xviii+ 341 pages, sketches, biblio. $44.50 cloth. “Bartok’s musical language may be approached from either of two points of view — one in which the concepts and terminology are derived from folk-music sources, and the other in which the concepts and analytical tools are derived from certain currents in contemporary art music. This study is intended to demonstrate that the assumptions underlying both approaches are essential in understanding the evolution of Barto'k’s musical language and that fundamental relationship exists between the diatonic folk modes and various abstract pitch formations commonly found in contemporary compositions.” Ann McCutchan, who interviewed the author for the Austin American Statesman (November 8, 1984), said that this volume is considered by many scholars to be the most important indepth book on Barto'k’s works. “What I show,” says the author, “is that Bartók arrived at a very original compositional music language, derived from folk tunes. He collected folk tunes of Eastern Europe and transformed them into new kinds of harmony. He transformed the structure of the folk melodies and their essence (Continued on page 2) EDITOR'S CORNER With the incipient publication of HUNGARIAN STU DIES, a semi-annual journal devoted to the promotion of Hungarian studies the world over, there will be three periodicals in three different formats serving Hungarian-oriented students and scholars. HUNGARIAN STUDIES, published in Budapest, is the most ambitious of the three in both, volume and substantive coverage. Its financial stability is assured by the Hungarian government, its intellectual guidance by an editorial board chaired by Denis Sinor, professor emeritus and initiator of the Hungarian Chair at Indiana U. HUNGARIAN STUDIES REVIEW is also a semi-annual interdisciplinary journal edited by George Bisztray, occupant of the Hungarian Chair at the U. of Toronto and Nándor Dreisziger, professor of history at the Royal Military College of Canada Instead of approaching the field broadly, HUNGARIAN STUDIES REVIEW pursues a somewhat narrower scope than does HUNGARIAN STUDIES, inasmuch as it is offering in-depth treatises as well as opportunities for writer and reader with specialized interests. The third periodical is our own HUNGARIAN STUDIES NEWSLETTER, whose principal interest lies in surveying the English language literature, research and exchange activities for Hungarian oriented studies for both, the generalist with temporary Hungarian interest and the sophisticated specialist with permanent concern for Hungarian affairs. The support for the HUNGARIAN STUDIES REVIEW comes from subscribers and the Canadian Government. The HSN has been selfsupporting for some time and could continue to do so with the help of additional subscribers. Do we need three periodicals for Hungarian studies, when a few years ago there were none? Only the readers can tell and only in time. Meanwhile, let us keep an eye on all three publications in terms of overlap in scope, in conceptual frame of reference, and in character and in desires of the readership. We would like to ask for your assistance in evaluating the parallel existence of three periodicals and making suggestions as to adjustments necessary for the best possible service to those who teach, study, and research Hungarian culture. My appreciation to John M. Bak, Enikő M. Basa, Imre Boba, George Bisztray, Janos Horvath, Béta Kapótsy, Miklós Kontra, Martin L. Kovács, Irwin Sanders, Benjamin Suchoff, and Agnes H. Vardy for their contributions to the content of the HSN,and to the spirit of theeditor, who isalways in need of some encouragement The Editor NO. 43-44, SPRING-SUMMER 1985 HUNGARIAN STUDIES NEWSLETTER