Hungarian Studies Newsletter, 1981 (9. évfolyam, 27-30. szám)
1981 / 27-28. szám
1 Ml / vJ I AMGRICÄN HUNGARIAN FOUNDATION HUNGARIAN STUDIES NEWSLETTER Cl ES AND THE SENIOR FULBRIGHT-HAYS PROGRAM The Council for International Exchange of Scholars, founded in 1947, is one of the oldest private non-profit organizations facilitating international exchange in higher education. Under contract with the U.S. Department of State, it cooperates in the administration of the Senior Fulbright-Hays program, authorized by the Mutual Education and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961 to “increase mutual understanding between the people of the U.S. and the people of other countries.” Since its inception, CIES has aided the exchange of more than 14,000 American scholars and 15,000 scholars from other countries for research, lecturing, and consultation at the university level. U.S. SCHOLARS ABROAD Each spring CIES announces about 500 lecturing and research opportunities in some 90 countries. Most of the awards are for an academic year (9 months). In the case of Hungary, awards are of much shorter duration. Applications are screened by an advisory committee on content, and by another on georgraphic area. Nominations then are sent to agencies abroad. In addition to acceptance abroad and affiliation with an institution in the host country, each grant must be approved by the Board of Foreign Scholarships, a twelve-member board appointed by the President of the U.S. to supervise and provide policy guidance for the Fulbright-Hayes program. The awards include round triptravel, maintenanceallowance in local currency, a dollar supplement, and a small incidental allowance. The distribution of awards to U.S. scholars for lecturing and/or research in East European countries for 1981-82 was as follows: Bulgaria 3; Czechoslovakia 2; HUNGARY 2; Poland 15; Romania 10; Yugoslavia 16. U.S. SCHOLARS TO HUNGARY since 1972 were as follows: Harold B. Allen (linguistics) from the U. of Minnesota to Kossuth L.U., for 6 weeks in 1972; Richard P. Adams (American literature) from Tulane U. to Kossuth L.U. for 2 weeks in 1973; Hennig Cohen (American literature) from U. of Pennsylvania to Eötvös L.U., for 4 weeks in 1973; Myron Uretsky (management and use of computers) from New York U., to Marx K. U., for 4 weeks in 1979; R. Anthony Arthur (American literature) from California St. U. Northridge to Eötvös L.U., for 1 semester in 1980; Kent R. Bales (American literature) from the U. of Minnesota to Eötvös L.U., 1 semester in 1980; and Myron Simon (American literature) from the U. of California, Irvine, to Eötvös L.U., for 1 semester in 1981. No. 27-2Ö, Spring, 1981, Hungarian Studies Newsletter BOOKS Antalffy, Gyula, A THOUSAND YEARS OF TRAVEL IN OLD HUNGARY. Budapest: Corvina Kiadó, 1980. 337 pages + 55 b/w plates. $5.70 paper. (Original title: így utaztunk hajdanában. Budapest: Panoráma, 1975.) Once in a while, we receive books which are not prepared or presented in a scholarly fashion (do not document statements, have stated or unstated bias, etc.) but contain information helpful to the understanding of a milieu or an event. Such is the volume under review. Based on archival sources, diaries, travelogues, and autobiographies, the author presents a journalistic account of the history of transport in Hungary between the time of settlement and the first appearance of the steam engine in the 19th century. While doing this, he describes early travel on horseback, by cart and rowboat, the invention and use of the Hungarian carriage or kocsi, - a word which has been borrowed by many cultures: coach (English), Kutsche (German), coche (French), coccio (Italian), etc., - the use of the stagecoach, the steamship, and the opening of the first railroad between Budapest and Vác in 1846. But the volume is more that a mere description of the means of transport, it is also about people, events, and places which travelers encountered and about general conditions in Hungary during the period discussed. The author is a Hungarian journalist. (Continued on Page 2) (Another 1 semester award is still expected in 1981.) FOREIGN SCHOLARS IN THE U.S. Some 500 awards are extended annually to scholars of other countries for lecturing or research in the humanities and social sciences. In a number of countries a binational board performs the selection of candidates. In Hungary, not having such a board, this function is performed by the U.S. embassy. The distribution of awards to East European scholars for lecturing and research in the U.S. for 1981-82 was as follows: Bulgaria 1; Czechoslovakia 3; HUNGARY 0; Poland 17; Romania 13; and Yugoslavia 36, or a total of 70 awards. Continuation of the Hungarian program depends on the extension of the intergovernmental cultural agreement (see HSN no. 3, p.l.) which expires at the end of 1981. It is hoped the awards of at least 9 months duration will be secured. CIES also conducts an annual competition for NATO Fellowships to do advanced research in the humanities and social sciences. Application for this program are due early in January. Applications for Fulbright-Hayes awards are due on July 1 for Hungary. Most awards are issued the following April. For more information write to the program officer for Hungary, Georgene B. Lovecky, Council for International Exchange of Scholars, 11 Dupont Circle, Washington, DC 20036. T