Hungarian Studies Newsletter, 1973 (1. évfolyam, 1-2. szám)
1973 / 1. szám
HUNGARIAN STUDIES NEWSLETTER Dear Reader: Welcome to a new adventure: the reading of the Hungarian Studies Newsletter. Its purpose simply is to inform you about the wide variety of scholarly activities related to Hungarian studies in the English language. Inadequate patterns of communication among specialists and interested outsiders, as well as the diffuse nature of the source material (see how many good things are being done in small, four-year colleges where no one would expect specialized Hungarian studies) have made effective research, writing, and teaching of Hungarian-related subjects quite difficult. We hope to be able to offer some remedial action to the field. This issue of the Newsletter was designed with help from many of you who advised us on scope, content, and format. Please, accept my appreciation for your counsel and encouragement. Some expressed the desire for a more ambitious scope to encompass original articles and critical reviews. Professor A. L. Gabriel suggested publication of a "Hungarian Yearbook" — a truly tempting idea. However, the Editor does not feel strong enough (time-wise and dollar-wise) to engage in such a demanding undertaking, at least not for the time being. Now, that the first issue is in your hand, you may want to tell us your reactions. If they are positive, you may want to become an active reader and assist us in keeping the Newsletter alive and interesting. You could do this by (a) sending us information on your own publications and research activities, (b) informing us on work done by your students and colleagues which has not come to our attention, (c) sending us names and addresses of those whom you think should be on our mailing list, and (d) requesting your library to subscribe to the Newsletter. Entries submitted should give factual (not critical) information on content, so the reader would readily know what the product is all about (a table of contents may aid in some cases), and detailed bibliographical references including price and place from which the product is available if not on the market. All manuscripts should be typed, double spaced with a one-inch margin. The Editor will give credit to each and all contributors, except when omission of name is specifically requested. A few more words about the Hungarian Research Center. This subdivision of the American Hungarian Studies Foundation aims at concentrating on scholarly activities as against the broader activities of the Hungarian Heritage Center. It hopes to develop assistance to scholars and students of Hungarian-related studies by making its library available (of some 25,000 volumes about 6,000 are cataloged and shelved; cataloging is an ongoing process), by publishing a newsletter, by publishing reference materials, and by offering association with the Center to selected scholars and graduate students who decide to use the Center as the base of research or writing activities. The Center will assist its associates in the solicitation of financial support. Basically, the Center offers a potential opportunity to promote Hungarian studies in the United States and is ready to react in a flexible manner to demands from the field. You may have some creative ideas which you want to share with us. Do let us hear from you! Sincerely, / t'CcL C Bela C. Maday IN THIS ISSUE Pages Letter from the Editor 1 AHFS News 1 Books 2 Doctoral Dissertations 2-5 Articles 5 Other Newsletters 5 New Journal 5 Research in Progress 6 IREX 6-8 Columbia University 7-8 Scholarships & Grants 8 AHSF NEWS Dr. Peter C. Goldmark has been elected president of the American Hungarian Studies Foundation. Goldmark, who is president of Goldmark Communications Co., a subsidiary of Warner Communications, Inc., is internationally known for his scientific contributions including the long-playing record and the first practical color television broadcasting system. For biography see the 1973 BULLETIN No. 2 of the AHSF, page 1-2 Hungarian-born Nobel laurate. Dr. Dennis Gabor, will receive the George Washington Award of the AHSF on May 9, 1973. The event will also be a tribute to American Nobel laurates. In 1972 the foundation awarded $3,300 in grants under it fellowship and scholarship program. New York University received two grants. Princeton Theological Seminary student, Tibor Lorincz, received a special scholarship grant. John Komlos, University of Chicago graduate history student, was awarded a fellowship for the 1972-73 academic year.