Hungarian Heritage Review, 1988 (17. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1988-01-01 / 1. szám

^Eßtterö ^Eiriinr Dear Mr. Pulitzer: My cousin introduced me to your magazine about two years ago and I have been a subscriber to it ever since. I enjoy every issue and you are doing a great job. I’m a Hungarian who left Hungary as a young boy and in the 21 years since, I have personally experienced the biggest problem Hungarians are facing all over the world: the lack of unity. For that reason, I feel you are performing a very important and much needed service. We should not waste our time arguing about whether we are Hungarian- Americans or American-Hungar­­ians, but be proud of the fact that WE ARE HUNGARIANS and help each other carry on our traditions. Hungarians are hardworking, honest, and good people. I thank God for people like you and your staff for your dedication to this very important cause. My very close friend, Geza Polony, died recently after a long illness and, in lieu of flowers, I wish to give a subscrip­tion to his widow, Gizella Polony. I feel this serves two purposes: to help her retain her Hungarian Heritage and to assist you in the ex­cellent work you are doing. Steven J. Paroczay Baton Rouge, Louisiana Dear Mr. Pulitzer: I would like to say that I have gotten your magazine for about three years now and that I have thoroughly enjoyed and learned a great deal from it. Reading your magazine has made it easy for me to learn even more about Hungary and I am very proud to be Hungarian! Marika Vörösmarty Blumerick Utica, Michigan Gentlemen: Your magazine is read with great delight and is right up there in rating with the National Geo­graphic, in my opinion. Mrs. Helen T. Stone Columbus, Ohio Dear Mr. Pulitzer: I enjoy your publication very much and, while I cannot read or write my heritage language, I remember some of the language we spoke during the lifetimes of my parents. Belonging to the San An­tonio Hungarian Association is jog­ging my memory. Hopefully I’ll speak Hungarian again. Ann Weigand San Antonio, Texas Dear Sir: I enjoyed the report of your speech in the William Penn Life. Most likely because your goals are the same mine have been for more than fifty years. I pray for your success! Rev. Stephen Sziarto Slanesville, West Virginia Dear Mr. Pulitzer: We are enjoying your Hungarian Heritage Review im­mensely. Let’s face it, both Hungary and Armenia are buffer countries briding the gap between their respective boundaries for cen­turies with many hardships, but have emerged superior to their neighbors in every respect. Today, in the United States, I cannot think of any ethnic group on a nationwide basis who are more aware of their national identity and culture as are Hungarians and Armenians. In­cidentally, I have also learned recently that a gentleman of mixed Hungarian and Armenian parents from Ohio, by the name of Corwin, was in the 1880’s, Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. Keep up the excellent work! Art Sarkisian Concord, California Dear Sir: Enclosed is my check for $25.00 for another year of the Hungarian Heritage Review. I real­ly enjoy reading about Hungarian military history and about the an­cient history of our people. My pride is the Hungarian participation in all military history of our coun­try (United States) fighting for freedom. Francis Vislavsky Barberton, Ohio 2 HUNGARIAN HERITAGE REVIEW JANUARY 1988

