Hungarian Church Press, 1968 (20. évfolyam, 2. szám)

1968-06-01 / 2. szám

, HOP Vol XX"SpecsiaJ- Lumber 196a Uo 2— a. (00002) C ON T E NT S-rage Preface "by'*Dr.—-Hbor J3art ha »**#c*uH4MMeMifc»«ffe>io»?Moiif«0 4 I. THE >WORD CP GOD AND- OUR SOCIAL RESiONSEBILITT TODAY 1) Secular Types of Humanion and the Humanism of the Gospel 8 2) The, Situation as a Problem of Christian Ethics es«».«»»» 15 3) Re-Thinking Theology and the Problems of Society in the Evangelical -Churehes of Hungary s....«. 4.«.....»r. 21 II. THE CHURCH AI© THE SOCIALIST SOCIETY 1) Today's Christian Teaching about the State »..«>»« " 24 2) The Responsible Cooperation of Christians, in the Life of the State c * . .. »»»•!*»•*.»»*•«. ».'»»«t»»..»»»«»» «*oo...«oo 33 / ’ 3) Prom Serving the Church as an End to Serving the World.» 36 4) The Experiences Of the Diakonia Pattern of_ Life in Our „ SOCiety tcG 5) The Prophetic Ministry of the Church -•» the Churches Word on Secular Issues + 56 6) On the Christian-Msrxist Dialoguo * oc ** •« . * ** o.»• • • c * • <* c 73 7) ’»That Can We Do for the Family in Our Society? 0 8 0 t»»»•»» 77 / 8) Our Christian Sesponsibi' ity in the World of Modem Labour Management «»*»»»»--o «»o«...»».»»»»«» 06 III» THE CHURCHES FOR A JUST AI© PEACEFUL WORLD ORDER 1) The Problem of Revolution in Our Theology „.«•«•••tioit ICO 2) The Racxal Prublom ooc«»o»»«»».»fta»o0eao»»»»»»o«^»&»c*»o II2 5) Peaceful Coexistence and Cooperation OCoo.»..»«»««»«»o.o 124 4) Inner ard Outward Conditions of Disarmament and the Task or the Churches «»««««»«o «»»»o o co »»»-'•*»»»«»»»o »•«n»»«»»«» 141

