Hungarian Church Press, 1968 (20. évfolyam, 2. szám)

1968-06-01 / 2. szám

KCP Vol XX; Special Nuniber 1968 No 2- 169 -(07998) 80) Hilton-Fa^an: The English Rising of 1381, London 1950, 81) Fran the literature on Huss it ism; HÖffler: Ge sch idht s s ch reiber der hussitischen Bewegung in Böhmen, I-III« 1856-66; - F0 Besold; Sigismund und die Reichskriege gegen die Hussiten, 1872-75» — Höffler? Geschichte der hussitischen Bewegung, Prag 1862« — Source-material: Pontes rerum Bohemicarum, .Archiv C ky » - Ur­kundliche Beiträge zur Geschichte des Hussitenkrieges (Edition Palaclcy) I-II0 1873., Most recently; J, Macek* The Hussite Re­volutionary Movement; .1953, 82) Smirin; Thomas Münzer*s Popular Reformation, Budapest, 1954. - The inv fluence of the Hungarian peasant revolution (1514) preceding the German Reformation could be felt in Germany too. In 1514, Canon Boheim of Bamberg wanted the German robber Kpigths to share the fate of the Hungarian "brethren"; "I wish to God they were burned, impaled, quartered, as the brethren in Hungary", - György Székely; Prom the Correspondence of Willibald Pirckheimer, a German Humanist, Századok (Centuries), 19640 3, - These "brethren" the "bratri", were the successors of the Hussite communities* Lőrinc Mészáros, who played an important part in the Hungarian peasant revolution, may in all probability have been the priest of the Hussites that had been given permission by King Wladislav to return home from Moldavia in 1508o 83) Smirin; Thomas Münzer* s Popular Reformation, Budapest, 1954« - The Puritan movement wan later strongly divided» Beside the Presby­terians and Independents, there also appeared the levellers arxl diggers who ware then defeated by Cromwell, The movement of the levellers and diggers bore some similarity to that of John Ball, In 1649, landed property was distributed at several places, and agriculture was begun on small estates,, Cromwell succeeded in suppressing them in 1650, 84) Kirche und Revolution, in; Appell an die Kirchen der Welt, Edited by the World Council of Churches, 1967, p0 850 85) World Conference on Church and Society, Official Report, Geneva, 1967, p. 116« 86) Christians in the Revolution.« Report from Sofia III, Theolcgiai Szemle, Vol 10, 350 sqq« 87) World Conference on Church and Society, Official Report, Geneva 1967, p« 204o 88) Dr. Gyula Nagy; Az emberiség egysége (The Unity of Mankind), Lelkipász­tor, 1959, 29 sqq» 89) UNESCO Declaration, Paris, 1951» 90) World Conference on Church and Society, Official Report, Geneva, 1967, p« 204« 91) Kantonen» Published by Kraabel in; Grace and Race, Chicago, lOö7« 92) Ibid, p, 21« 93) Cullmann: Christ and Time, Philadelphia, 1958, 94) World Conference on Church and Society, Geneva, 1967, p, 160« 95) Ibid, p, 161,

