Hungarian Church Press, 1968 (20. évfolyam, 2. szám)
1968-06-01 / 2. szám
'POnyptb. Bűx - ~B HUNGARIAN CHURCH PRESS Ungarischer Kirchlicher Nachrichtendienst Budapest, XIV., Abonyi utca 21. Cables: Reformedsynod Budapest Vol XX (7622) Budapest, June, 1968 Special Number No 2 THE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OP THE CHURCH IN OUR TIME A Theological Contribution of the Hungarian Church and Society Study Group on Social Ethios to the Uppsala Assembly 1968 Edited by Interchurch Editorial Board. Published by the Ecumenical Council of Churches in Hungary Bditor-ln-Chief: Rev. Dr. Károly Tóth Index: 26.883 Publisher: Bishop D. Dr. Lajos Vető Mimeographed by the Press Service of the Reformed Church in Hungary H. C. P. may be freely reproduced in any form with acknowledgment 086759 FNyV 11. T