Hungarian Church Press, 1958 (10. évfolyam, 1-2. szám)
1958-01-15 / 1-2. szám
HUNGARIAN CHURCH PRESS L___UNGARISCHER KIRCHLICHER^NACHRICHTENDIENST Under the auspices of: The Reformed Church, the Lutheran Church and the Federation of Free Churches (Baptists, Methodists, Brethren etc.) in Hungary. Editorial Office: Budapest, XIV., Abonyi u. 21. Chief of the Editorial Boards Members of the Editorial Boards Publishers Rev GYULA MURAKOZY Rev. JENO PINTER Rev. GYULA GROO BISHOP D. Dr LAJOS VETO {Reformed Church) (Reformed Churchl (Lutheran Church) (Lutheran Church) Budapest, XIV., Abonyi u. 21. Rev LÁSZLÓ SZABÓ Budapest, IX., GUI6Í út 24. (Federation of Free Churches) Volume X.s Nos, 1-2. Budapest, Jan*15th-:?ebr.lst 1958, Bishop D. Albert Berecaky on the Social Service of the Church 2 Excerpts of Bishop Györy’s Annual Report ......................................................... 3 Bishop Dr,K.H« Ting’s Contribution.......................................................................... 9 Excerpts of Bishop János Péter*s Response to the Resolution of the Traastiscian Church District Recalling Him ....- Vihat happened in the church ? - What happened on October the 23rd 1956 ? - What happened after November the 4th ? - What had I done ? -What is to be done ? ................................................................................. 10 Resolution of the Church District adopting Bishop János Péter*s Resignation. 23 Bishop Péter*s Farewell Prayer ....................................................................................... 24 Negotiations and Measures taken for Re-establishing Legality in the Lutheran Church in Hungary ........................................................................ 24 Official Delegates of the Goveramait of the People*s Republic and the Lutheran Church in Hungary issued an Official Statement as a Result of Negotiations ..................................................................................................................... 25 Christmas~Editorial by Bishop D.Dr. Lajos Veit) in the "Evangelical Life11 ... 27 Lutheran Church’s Peace-Service ............................................................................... 28 Baptist Deputy President’s Letter from Switzerland 30 Methodist Scholarship-Holder left for the D.D.R. .......... 32 IN BRIEF: News from the Life of the Lutheran Church in Hungary (29). ^hort News from the Life of the Baptist Church in Hungary (31). Minóségi-ny. Szál 57-9923