Hungarian Church Press, 1951 (3. évfolyam, 10. szám)

1951-06-01 / 10. szám

people - who arc all, as far as the greatest issues of life are con­cerned, just non like ourselves, - in such a way that they all nay un­derstand us and that they all mrvel'at the great nirocle that God Rin­se If is speaking unto us. The church to-day is nost dangerously tenpted to criticise the wo rich. This prevents repentance. The church wants to judge others while itself is- under judgnent. And can there be a nore serious judgment than our inability to speak "as the Spirit gives ns utteranca"? ÜKiS is why the Spirit does not oonfirn and prove the proc­­lained noasago of ours by making it intelligible, acceptable and fruit­ful. We are otclobrating Pentecost, and we are threatened by the con­fusion of tongues as cf old at the Tower of Babel, On the first Pente­cost, people of different languages understood at onoo what The apostles pro cl cined a3 though in their own tongues, - and now, the Gospel is pr<v­­dLainod in our ovm nether tongue, and yet wc do not hear it, nis und erst and it, do not undorstand it at ell, do not believe it, and do not obey ity The confusion ef Babel is not ouioidc, in the world, but inside, in our nidst. Yet tho sane Spirit always glorifies the sane Lord, And if it is the sane Spirit that is poured out unto all neribers of the church, in all churches of tho world, then, s one how, tho word should be hoard that tho Spirit gives us to utter. Yes, it is very humiliating for the church to look into the nirror of the Pentecostal event; an experience that ought to mke us ropent. On Pentecost: unity, one will, one language, one hit,- and now; uncertainty, divisions, nisunderetandings and lack of fruits in the life cf the church. And yet non are non as they were at that tinoj a3 there were Parthians ‘and Modes, Egyptians and Cappadocians, so there are to-day Hungarians and Gormans, Russians and Chinese, Frenchmen and Englishmen, and there are suffering Koreans and Viet Hare so. The Word teaches us, - olf, nay the Spirit make this a strong conviction in us all, - that "Sod hath of one blood all nations of non"! Anidst the groat tensions of to-day, it is very difficult for the Church of Jesus Christ to arrive at an unity of faith, Yot we oust pr clain with the power--of the Spirit that God has really judged tho old world that is now collapsing under the burden of centuries old sins and that a new world is emerging, in the nidst of sufferings and birth pains that have the great a in to'"bring about a just and peaceful re-arrangenent of the relations of nan to nan. Oh, how rauch criticism wo hear, hew much complaint, confusion and rebellion, and how little love that is ready to serve and bring sacrifices! Hero is a great opportunity - this occasion is always present! - when one nay and ono must proclaim tho "wonderful works—of God" as the Spirit gives us utterance. Our fervent prayer is that our church and the Church which is, according to cur faith, one, holy and catholic Church nay hoar again-, in the unity of the Spirit, that clear and strong voice that proclaims judgment and norcy, righteousness and peace! Hungarian Church Press-3- •< ' THE PENTECOST MESSAGE OF THE CHAIRMEN OF THE WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES IN HUNGARY As it is kaowrtr before Whitsunday, the Chairmen of the World Council of Churches addressed a message to world Christendom, The message with the annexed prayer was printed in full in all Protestant church papers and the congregations were made acquainted with it in many ProQestsnt churbhes.

