Hungarian Church Press, 1951 (3. évfolyam, 10. szám)
1951-06-01 / 10. szám
HUNGARIAN CHURCH PRESS Published by (he Reformed Church, the Lutheran Church and the Federation of Free Churches (Baptists, Methodists, Brethren. etc.) of Hungary Editor: DR. IMRE KÁDÁR Budapest, XIV., Abonyl-u. 21. Publisher: Bishop LAJOS VETŐ D. D. (Lutheran Church) III. Volume Wo 10. June 1. 1951 Contents: Bishop Albert Bereczky: "The Bruits Q»f The Spirit", ..............1 The Pentecost Message of the Chairman of the Worli Council of Churches in Hungary .................... , ,»...,•♦•3 The Visit o,f Rev,Robert Mackie, Associate General Secretary of The World Council of Churches in Hungary........................4 The Statement of Bishop Albert Berecsky about the Establishment of the State Office of Church Affairs . ...................«5 The Hungarian Methodist Church Aiding the Children of Korea .... 6 Preface to the Genesis Edition of the New Hungarian Bible Revision 7 The Annual Meeting 6-f The Reformed General Conventus............11 The 87th Birthday of Eugene Balogh, ..............................11 Missionary Work of The Hungarian Reformed Church In 1950........ 12 The Liberality ctf the Szamosujlak Believers....................14 Press Sundays in Defcrecen and in the Suburban Budapest Presbytery 14 Bishop Louis Vető: "The Tasks of Pentecost" .................... 15 Bishop L.Dezséry: "Our Faith Involves Responsibility for Mankind" 16 Fellowships of Lutheran Pastors................................16 Bishop Albert Bereczky: "THE FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT" In the Budapest-Pozsonyi-Street Church Bishop Albert Bereczky preached a Whitsunday sermon on Acts 2:4 which was broadcast' from tho church by the Hungarian Radio. In his introduction, the bishop stressed that the church-owes not merely it3 birth, but its' entire life to God the Holy Spirit, No one may have Christ without the Holy Spirit, Wo nay have cold and learned notions, outward religion, yet without the Spirit, the heart is empty and life fruitless. So the presence of the Holy Spirit is always indicated by those fruits of which Paul speaks in his Epistle to the Galatians: "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance". Then the bishop continued: "I dare not yet present, at once, all these nine fruits of the Spirit, but I always make a stop after the first three: "Lovo,joy,peace,," In order to be able to hate, complain and mako war we do not need to be saved people. But if we can really love, without any reservations; if we can have joy, in good and evil days; if wo are men of peace, both in great and small natters, then our fruitful life will convincingly witness to the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, His joy and His peace. Why cannot wo do this? The fruit grows on the'tree; only a life grafted into Christ can bring the fruits of the Spirit,