Hungarian Church Press, 1949 (1. évfolyam, 4-13. szám)
1949-05-08 / 4. szám
HUNGARIAN CHURCH PRESS Published by <he Reformed Church, (he Lutheran Church and the Federation of Free Churches (Baptists. Methodists, Brethren etc.) of Hungary Editor: DR. IMRE KADAR Publisher: Bishop LAJOS VETŐ Budapest, XIV., Abonyl-u. 21. (Lutheran Church) No 4, May 8, 1949 Sir, This news service is sent to you regularly»We would greatly appreciate if your own paper could he sent to us in exchange. As a matter of course you are free to reprint in your paper the news items contained in our news service. HUNGARIAN CHURCH PRESS XIV. Ahonyi-utca 21.BUDAPEST Contents; There is a Revival in our Church........................................ 1 The new Reformed Chief-superintendent.................... 3 Paith and liberty............................................................. 5 Brom the Sermons of the Russian Orthodox Church.... 6 The True and The Nominal Christianity»..........................7 Pore gn Protestant personalities in Hungary........ 8 Kenneth Leslie's Interview in the Hungarian Radio.* 8 .THERE is A REVIVAL,Iff OUR CHURCH by Soltan Turóczy Bishop of the Lutheran Church Toward the end of Chapter IX of the Gospel of St.Matthew, the evangelist describes how Jesus "went about all the cities and villages»teaching in their synagogues." Today he might well have said that Christ has held an official bishopric tour of the country. At the completion of the tour,He summoned His closest associates,the disciples,and told them of His impressions. He perpetuated His experiences in two pictures; The people "were scattered abroad as sheep having no ' shepherdf" and they were like a plentiful harvest attended as yet by few labourers. The two images seem quite contradictory. One suggests the breath of death; the other brings to mind the promise oi life. One is full of resignation; the other is a call to action. Jesus saw both pictures at once. The Church is a tormented flock without a shepherd; but the very same Church is also a field of grain,ripe for harvest. To see only a picture of scattered sheep means to be of little faith; to rejoyce only over a field ripe for harvest is to refuse to look at reality soberly.According to the Gospel,Jesus intended to impress upon the disciples mainly the picture of the plentiful harvest,to inspire them for the work ahe ad -I go about the country a good deal.I visit towns and villages and teach in our churches proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom of Godc Still, I am not relying upon my experiences or on official reports,but on the Gospel and the promise therein when I want to imprint deeply in mind Christ is view of the state of the Church: "The harvest truly is plenteous." /Matthew IX:37/