Hungarian American Coalition News, 1993 (2. évfolyam, 1. szám)

1993 / 1. szám

Coalition Project Updates (Continues from page 1) The Video Project The production of “Hungary - A Video History” continues under the able direction of Roger Conant. The Project Kuratorium has decided that in order to do justice to the historically significant medieval period, Part II will be expanded into “The Golden Age of Hungary (1301-1437)” and "Hungary in Greatness and Decline (1438-1526).” The Coalition is involved in ongoing fundraising to assure the comple­tion of the Video Project. We are fortunate and grateful to have the support of U.S. Ambassador Charles H. Thomas, who recognizes the importance of a definitive video resource on Hungarian history. Human Rights Workshop To our disappointment, this year’s “Human Rights Workshop”, sched­uled to be held in Pittsburgh on June 3-5, did not draw the anticipated number of participants; consequently, we had to cancel it. We appreciate the interest of Dr. Ron Linden, Director of the Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Pittsburgh, in having the University host our Workshop, and Ms. Kati Csornán, Outreach Coordinator at the Center, who assisted the Coalition in making local arrangements. We are committed to offering the Workshop at a time and place yet to be determined. One possibility is to schedule the next conference to coincide with the New Brunswick Hungarian Festival next spring. English Teaching at the Hungarian Embassy Agnes Nagy Rado and George Rado still teach English as a Second Language (ESL) at the Hungarian Embassy. Alexa Schmidt Goulding joined the staff in April 1993. The beginners, taught by Agnes and George, are doing well; they have finished level one and started level two. The intermediate students taught by Alexa are working hard to prepare for the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language.) The Embassy’s ESL program, begun by the Coalition in June 1992, tries to involve as many Embassy personnel as possible, and has proven to be successful. Agnes, George and Alexa hold classes at the Embassy regularly each week. The Coalition thanks them for volunteering their time and for their commitment to this project! The Friends of Saint Martin Foundation Since December 1992, the Coalition has been providing administrative support to the Friends of Saint Martin Foundation, which raises money for the Saint Ignatius Study Center in Budapest. The Coalition's role has included processing the numerous donations and letters received this spring during a month-long fundraising tour around the U.S. by the Director of the Study Center, András Edocseny, as well as those received in response to a benefit picnic held by the Foundation near Washington, D.C. in May. Over $10,000 in donations have been received as a result of these two fundraising efforts. Editor: Julianna Chaszar. We are grateful to all those who contributed articles or information to this newsletter. Nothing printed here is to be construed as an attempt to aid or hinder the passage of any legislation before the Congress of the United States or any other legislative body in the U.S. or abroad. — President Edith Lauer Executive Vice President Sándor Taraszovics Vice Presidents Gabor Bodnar Bishop Andrew Harsanyi Rev. István Mustos Dr. Balazs Somogyi Bishop Francis Vitéz Secretary Andrew Ludanyi Treasurer Ilona Lang Legal Counsel Géza Kadar, Jr., J.D. Budapest Liaison Dr. Paul Teleki Board of Directors Judy Balogh, Hungarian Club of Toledo Enikő Molnár Basa, American Hungarian Educators' Association Dr. Stephen Benko Rev. Imre Bertalan Ildikó Bodoni, J.D., Hungarian-American Human Rights Council László Bojtos, Magyar Club of Cleveland Dr. Edward Chaszar, Hungarian Scouts Assoc. Abroad Paul Fekete László Hamos, Hungarian Human Rights Foundation Bishop Andrew Harsanyi, Hungarian Reformed Church of America Géza Kadar, Jr., J.D. Frank Koszorús, Jr., J.D. American Hungarian Federation ot Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Rev Paul Kovács, Bethlen Home Edith Lauer Andrew Ludanyi Rev. István Mustos, American Hungarian Catholic Clergy Assoc. Dr. Karoly Nagy, Hungarian Alumni Assoc. - Bessenyei Assoc. Dr. Peter Pastor, Atlantic Research and Publications, Inc. George Pogan, F A C H E. Cleveland Hungarian Development Panel Dr. Paul Rupprecht, Minnesota Hungarians, Inc. Dr. Imre Schiff, Hungarian-Americans for Human Rights in Délvidék Dr. Balazs Somogyi, Hungarian Communion of Friends Helen Szablya, Comprehensive Health Education Foundation Zsolt Szekeres Bishop Francis Vitéz, Ph D., Calvin Synod of the United Church of Christ Sándor Taraszovics, Committee for Danubian Research Dr. Paul Teleki Peter Ujvagi Suzanne Virgulák, Hungarian Reformed Federation of America 2 • Hungarian American Coalition News • Summer 1993

