Hidrológiai Közlöny, 2013 (93. évfolyam)

2013 / 4. szám - Türk Gábor - Balázs Boglárka - Mecser Nikoletta: Medermorfológia és a vezetőképesség modellezése egy tiszai holtmedren

rtjWCG^-BALÁZSR^^ECSE^^^Medennoríblógi^s^vezetőkégessé^nodellezése^ 65 A holtág teljes mederszerkezete Modeling of bed-morphologie and conductivity by a backwater of the River Tisza (Hungary) Türk, G. - Balázs, B. - Mecser, N. Abstract. In recent years the evaluation of environmental status of cut-offs lying alongside a river has come into prominence. In this study, we surveyed and presented the bed morphology of Lake Kacsa cut by the 45th cut-off of Tisza River, and the changing of electric conductivity values with the help of GIS software. Our goal was to investigate the specific ele­ctrical conductivity of the cut-off and its spatial pattern at flood attenuation in Spring 2013, and to discover the possi­ble reasons for differences. The values of conductivity represented lower values as a consequence of instreaming water by the reason of the flood in the larger SE area than in the farther NW part of Lake Kacsa. Fresh water transported by the flood was not observable in farther areas, thus hydrological mixing was slower and the water of the cut-off did not shift simultaneously, but continuously. The results showed that the cut-off can be divided into two well-isolable hetero­geneous parts in the beginning of the flood’s development. We conclude that mixing has not been completed at the ti­me of surveying based on the values of conductivity. TÜRK GÁBOR PhD hallgató, Debreceni Egyetem, Földtudományok Doktori Iskola, okleveles biológia-környezettan tanár és környe­zetkutató (műszeres analitika szakirány) BALÁZS BOGLÁRKA egyetemi tanársegéd, okleveles geográfus (tájvédő szakirány) Debreceni Egyetem Természetföldrajzi és Geoinformati- kai Tanszék MECSER NIKOLETTA PhD hallgató, Debreceni Egyetem, Földtudományok Doktori Iskola, okleveles geográfus (geoinformatika szakirány) és angol-magyar természettudományi szakfordító Klossy Irén alkotása

