Közúti és vasúti hidász almanach 2007 (Lánchíd füzetek 8., 2008)

HIDÁSZ ALMANACH 2007 ANNO - 2007 a Bibliográfia Miklós Iványi, Radu Bancilá: Preface Opening Session - Keynote Lecture György Farkas, Miklós Iványi, Géza Tassi, István Völgyi: Contribution to bridge construction of the department of structural engineering BME Session One - Standardization for bridge: Eurocode Marcel Tschuni: Railway actions, selected chapters from EN 1991-2 [1] and Annex A2 of EN 1990 [2] György Farkas, Zsolt Huszár, Kálmán Szálai: Analysis of the adequacy of Hungary's bridges concerning EC loads Stefan I. Gutiu, Petru Moga, Gavril Köllö: Composite steel-concrete bridge girders Romanian norms — Eurocodes Miklós Iványi Jr., Radu Bancilá, Miklós Iványi: Analysis of ultimate state of orthotropic steel plates for composite bridges according Eurocodes Session Two - New bridges in Danube basin Nikola Hajdin, Bratislav Stipanic: Project of new roadway bridge across Sava River in Belgrade Konstantin Jiponov, Hristo Monev, Javier Manterola, Antonio Martinet Cutillas, Juan Antonio Navarro, Jose Luis Alvarez Poyatos: Design of a new bridge over the Danube River in Vidin, Bulgaria Zoltán Agócs, Eugen Chladny, Ján Brodniansky, Rudolf Aroch: Verification of the Danube Dunaújváros main bridge design by an independent structural calculation Mátyás Hunyadi: The M0 highway ring crossing over the Danube at the north of Budapest Elemér Gilyén: The new public road bridge across the Danube between Komárom and Komárno Victor Schnitt, Márkus Karpa, Peter Radl, Richard Buba: Modem truss bridges - Proposal of bridge across the Danube in Linz and Tube truss bridge over highway A73 Victor Popa: A new road bridge over the Danube - Black Sea Canal at Agigea, Romania Bratislav Stipanic: Design proposal of pedestrial-cycle bridge across Ibar river in Kraljevo Josef Fink, Stefan Kuss: New railway trough bridges - An apparently easy bridge type Bratislav Stipanic: Design of roadway bridge across Tissa river at Ada Session Three - Structural analysis of bridges Nenad Markovié, Nikola Hajdin: Elasto-plastic behaviour of plate girders subjected to patch loading Katalin Vértes, Miklós Iványi: Analysis of eye-bars of chain bridges Péter Iványi, C. C. Baniotopoulos: The investigation of the pull-out phenomenon of bolts from steel bolted plates 130

