Heves megyei aprónyomtatványok 17/A

MARCH ■ APRIL 26 « April 2 ‘Ancient cultures' meeting’ < exhibition Location: Gyöngyös, scene: GYÖNGYÖK Mátra Culture House Organiser: ‘Osbuda Várvédői Egyesület' (Fortress Protecting Association) Information: 37/ 370 892 28 Ingmar Bergman: Scenes of a marriage Performed by: Détár Enikő and Rékasy Károly Location: Gyöngyös, scene: GYÖNGYÖK Mátra Culture House Information: 37/312-282, info@gyongyok.com April 4'26 ARTISTIC WEEKS IN GYÖNGYÖS Organiser and location: Gyöngyös, scene: GYÖNGYÖK Mátra Culture Rouse Information: 37/312-282, info@gyongyok.com Programmes: 4 Digirama performance 5 In the evening Jazz concert performed by Kontra Zoltán pianist and the Classic Chamber Brass 7 Roma World Day with cutural programmes 12 Lovesong - lovedance, Brams: Liebeslieder Walzer - Love-waltzes, Argentine Tango performace 18 ‘Én, szegény Sudár Anna’ (Me, poor Sudár Anna) - monodrama based on Jókai Anna's novel, performed by: Bálint Márta Location: Pátzay János Music School 27

