Gáncsné Nagy Erzsébet: Magyar Könyvtárosok Egyesülete Helyismereti Könyvtárosok Szervezetének története, 1994-2002 (2004)

3. The Local Studies Group of the Association of Hungarian Librarians (HKSZ). - 3.7. National Surveys. - 3.7.1. The user survey.

Libraries and ten Town Libraries and decided that these libraries would participate in the main user survey in the months of April 2000 and October 2000. The draft survey questionnaire was compiled by Miklós Bényei, assisted by Erzsébet Gáncs, Gyula Mándli and Tibor Sándor, at a committee meeting on 15 February 2000. Erzsébet Gáncs was responsible for completing the final text. Erzsébet Gáncs processed the results of both the April and the October surveys and, to assist the work of the librarians, the results of the April survey were made available on disk and in hard copy. The results of the April survey were also presented to the national Annual Meeting of the Association of Hungarian Librarians in Esztergom on the 11 th August 2000. 107 . The results of the survey A report on both surveys can be read in the journal Könyv, könyvtár, könyvtáros and on the website of the HKSZ 108 so only some main points are noted here. Data came from the fifteen nominated libraries. * From the April survey there were 904 completed questionnaires Town Libraries: 323 County Libraries: 581 * From the October survey there were 731 completed questionnaires Town Libraries: 295 County Libraries: 436 Women users: A comparison of the survey results shows that the majority of those using the local studies collections are women - 60.9% (April); 61.6% (October) Local authority users: The percentage number of visitors using the collections on behalf of the local authority was Town Libraries: 1.2% (April); 0.7% October) County Libraries: 0.5% (April); 0.9% (October) 107 Helytörténet és helyismeret az MKE XXXII. Vándorgyűlésén. In: Könyvtári levelezö/lap, 2000. 10. sz. p. 5-7. 108 A megyei és a városi könyvtárak helyismereti gyűjteményeiben 2000 áprilisában és októberében végzett használói igényfelmérés tapasztalatai / Gáncsné Nagy Erzsébet. In: Könyv, könyvtár, könyvtáros, 2001. 12. sz. p. 18-23.: http://www.vmmk.hu/hksz 70

