Gáncsné Nagy Erzsébet: Magyar Könyvtárosok Egyesülete Helyismereti Könyvtárosok Szervezetének története, 1994-2002 (2004)

3. The Local Studies Group of the Association of Hungarian Librarians (HKSZ). - 3.8. International co-operation: the Hungarian Local Studies Group and the UK Local Studies Group.

These recommendations were accepted by the national committee and were incorporated into the planning of the annual Conference at Vác 2003. The national committee also suggested that future conference organisers should take note of the wishes of the members of the Group. 3.8. International co-operation: the Hungarian Local Studies Group and the UK Local Studies Group From its beginnings the Hungarian Local Studies Group (HKSZ) formed a strong international link with the Local Studies Group of the UK Library Association. Contact was established in 1991 when the British Group took over the responsibility for a local studies journal exchange with the National Library of Hungary. Elizabeth Melrose, then treasurer of the UK Local Studies Group Committee, wrote to the National Library in Budapest asking if any Hungarian librarians might consider writing to their British counterparts on subjects of mutual concern connected with local studies librarianship. 11 . A news-item about this request was published in Könyvtári Levelező/Lap by Emőke Kovács, Head of the Library Science Library in Budapest. Two Hungarian librarians responded, both from Győr Kisfaludy Károly County Library in western Hungary - Erzsébet Gáncs, an English-speaking team leader in charge of the local studies collection, and Jenő Sinay, the County Library Director. Letters were soon exchanged and the British Group invited Erzsébet Gáncs to take part in a short study tour and to attend the UK Library Association annual UmbrelLA Conference 1993 in Manchester, where she presented a well-received paper in English on local studies librarianship in Hungary. 111 On her return to Hungary, Erszébet Gáncs became involved with other library colleagues in a parallel initiative to found a Hungarian Librarians' Local Studies Group and this they successfully achieved in 1994, with 61 members. In November of that year, the committee of the HKSZ sent an official letter to their British counterparts asking for an official link between the two Groups. In 1995 Erszébet Gáncs, who had been Secretary of the Hungarian Group, resigned from this position and was appointed International Officer responsible for dealing with all international connections. In 1995 also, the national committees of both Groups, in Hungary and in Britain, ratified an official Letter of Accord, to be reviewed every three years. " Szubjektív gondolatok a Magyar Könyvtárosok Egyesülete Helyismereti Könyvtárosok Szervezete és az Angol Könyvtári Egyesület Helyismereti Csoportja együttműködéséről / Gáncsné Nagy Erzsébet. In: Könyvtári levelező/lap, 1983. 3. sz. p. 16-18. 111 Local studies in Hungary : a case study / E. Gancs. In: Local Studies Librarian, 13(1), 1994. p. 25-27. 73

