Gáncsné Nagy Erzsébet: Magyar Könyvtárosok Egyesülete Helyismereti Könyvtárosok Szervezetének története, 1994-2002 (2004)

3. The Local Studies Group of the Association of Hungarian Librarians (HKSZ). - 3.5. Involvement in the annula Conferences of the Association of Hungarian Librarians (MKE)

3.5. Involvement in the annual Conferences of the Association of Hungarian Librarians (MKE) The dates of both national Conferences, the HKSZ Conference and the MKE Conference, are very close together. So it is necessary to choose the local studies theme for each conference very carefully. Experience shows that most of members of the HKSZ are only able to attend one of these national Conferences. A professional association has an obligation to its members to organise a successful programme of its own, but it should not become isolated from the national association, or from other library disciplines. The Committee of the HKSZ has to bear this in mind when arranging its programme for the MKE Conferences. The presentations should interest librarians working in all other fields of librarianship. Because of these considerations, the HKSZ Committee decided to take part in the annual MKE Conferences by collaborating with other national Groups and using the experience of its members in presenting joint programmes. 5 August 1994: 26th National Conference of the MKE in Könnend, 3-6 August: This was the first joint session with the Reference Section. Elizabeth Melrose gave a paper about public libraries in Britain. 104 Members of the recently established HKSZ were present in the audience and Erzsébet Gáncs acted as translator. 11 August 1995: 27th National Conference of the MKE in Eger, 9-12 August: The HKSZ collaborated with the Bibliographic Section. The lecturers were: Iván Rónai on Pressdoc, a special newspaper database; Éva Nagy on biobibliograpies; and Katalin Tóth on local bibliograpies. The programme« ended with a demonstration by Prospero Kft. (a foreign book-distributing enterprise). 9 August 1996: 28th National Conference of the MKE in Debrecen, 7-10 August: The HKSZ organised its own programme: Péter Búza spoke about the events of the first Millennium in Budapest, 1896; István Mészáros gave a paper on 1000 years of school history; Gáborné Korompai outlined the history of the University Library in Debrecen. At the plenary session Gyula Mándli, chairman of the HKSZ, reviewed the work of the Group. 8 August 1997: 2# h National Conference of the MKE in Kecskemét, 7-9 August: The Group programme was once again organised with the Bibliographic Section. Zoltán Nagy gave a lecture on the care of periodicals A helyismereti tevékenység története Nagy-Britanniában / Elizabeth A, Melrose. In: Könyv, könyvtár, könyvtáros, 1994. 11. sz. p. 22-28. 67

