Gáncsné Nagy Erzsébet: Magyar Könyvtárosok Egyesülete Helyismereti Könyvtárosok Szervezetének története, 1994-2002 (2004)

3. The Local Studies Group of the Association of Hungarian Librarians (HKSZ). - 3.4. National discussion group meetings. - 3.4.2. Joint meetings organised by the National Educational Library and the Honismereti Szövetség.

19 September 2001 in the Music Collection of the Szabó Ervin Metropolitan Library: A meeting was held to discuss indexing systems for local studies material. This topic was put on the Group's agenda for two reasons. Firstly, a session on indexing had been planned for the Kaposvár Conference but had been postponed due to time constraints. Secondly, Rudolf Ungváry had compiled a general thesaurus, Köztaurusz, which could also be developed for local studies collections. It was agreed that this thesaurus would be completed with the help of local studies librarians. 1 October 2002 in the Budapest Collection of the Szabó Ervin Metropolitan Library: The theme of indexing was continued at this day-school. Rudolf Ungváry demonstrated Köztaurusz for indexing certain local documents. Once again he offered the Relex software to the libraries, free of charge. 3.4.2. Joint meetings organised by the National Educational Library and the Honismereti Szövetség These meetings, organised by the Honismeret Szövetség, the National Educational Library, the host local association of Honismereti Szövetség and the HKSZ, promoted the subject "Our schools and the understanding and knowledge of our country". 15-16 October 1999 in Kiskunfélegyháza: A meeting was held to discuss the methodological and structural principles of writing schoolbooks. Miklós Bényei a member of the HKSZ gave a lecture 103 at the Conference and the Group distributed a list of published local studies reading-books. 13-14 October 2000 in Miskolc: A second Conferece was held on schools, local studies and the knowledge of our country. Katalin Vas (Bács-Kiskun County Library, Kecskemét) gave a paper on "The role of libraries and librarians teaching local history". 12-14 October 2001 in Szeged: There was no specifice role for the HKSZ during the 3 rd Conference but some of the HKSZ members attended and participated in the programme. 11-13 October 2002 in Békéscsaba: Gyula Mándli, the Chairman of the HKSZ gave a paper at the 4 * Conference. 103 Könyvtáros szemmel a honismereti-helyismereti olvasókönyvekről / Bényei Miklós. In: Könyv és nevelés, 2000. l.sz.p. 82-89. 66

