Gáncsné Nagy Erzsébet: Magyar Könyvtárosok Egyesülete Helyismereti Könyvtárosok Szervezetének története, 1994-2002 (2004)

3. The Local Studies Group of the Association of Hungarian Librarians (HKSZ). - 3.4. National discussion group meetings. - 3.4.1. National discussion groups organised by the HKSZ.

Where possible, current professional issues are discussed alongside any problems concerning the rules of the organisation. In this way, the members of the group save on travelling costs and travelling time for their authorities. 9 November 1994 in the Budapest Collection of the Szabó Ervin Metropolitan Library: Those present agreed the official rules of the organisation necessary for the future operation of the HKSZ and the Group programme for 1995. Erzsébet Gáncs then presented and spoke about the Library Association Guidelines for Local Studies Provision in Public Libraries?* sent to the Group by the UK Local Studies Group. 25 January 1995 in the Budapest Collection of the Szabó Ervin Metropolitan Library: There was a discussion on computer cataloguing and indexing of local articles. The group was able to examine the computer programme of the Buda­pest Collection. The debate on indexing was based on the lectures given at the Vác Conference in 1994. The Committee had intended to help librarians in their work, but, unfortunately, the topic did not interest the members. Members of the Bibliographic Section also took part in this meeting. 29 November 1995 in the National Library: The HKSZ held a general as­sembly. Because of the important agenda there was no planned professional programme. The chairman reported on the first year of the work of the Group; the audited accounts were presented and nominations were requested for members to serve on the new committee. An election took place. This was necessary because, at the original meeting in Vác, a temporary committee had been elected for one year only. In 1995 there were 84 registered members of the HKSZ. The members of the original Committee were re-elected. Erzsébet Gáncs resigned as secretary and, as a Committee member, she took on the responsibility for international affairs. Márta Orbán was elected secretary. The new Committee decided to invite Tibor Sándor onto the Committee, in recognition of his work and the important role of the Budapest Collection in local studies librarianship. 20 November 1996 in the National Library: This was a members' meeting to elect deputies for the MKE general meeting and to hear a report on the work of the HKSZ. The professional programme included the evaluation of a national survey on local studies collections in Hungary, carried out by László Ládi with the assistance of the HKSZ." 98 Irányelvek az angol közkönyvtárak helyismereti tevékenységéhez / Gáncsné Nagy Erzsébet. In: Kisalföldi könyvtáros, 1994. 2. sz. p. 47-49. 99 Helyismereti gyűjtemények a megyei és városi könyvtárakban 1997 / az adatok feldolgozását és az elemzést készítette Ládi László. - Szentendre : MKE Helyismereti Könyvtárosok Szervezete, 1998. - 54 p. 64

