1988. december (307-326. szám) / HU_BFL_XIV_47_2
lM©íaSy"^a ©ML Editor: György Krassó * 24/D Little Russell Street * London, WC1A 2HN * Tel. 01-430 2126 (írom abroad 441-430 2126) 308/1988 (E) $th December, 1988 The Network fór Free Inltiatives Held Another Public Meeting The Network fór Free Initiatives held its second public meeting in three weeks in the Jurta Theatre in Budapest, Its November 13th public meeting had turnéd intő a formation meeting fór the Free Democrats Alliance, those Network council members, spokespeople and supporters who did nőt wish to jóin the new organsiation held a separate discussion and decided that another public meeting would be held on December 4th. It began at 10 am and representatives from 22 independent organisations and groupings took part, it was presided over by Levente Ruttkay and Sara Éliás. In the first half of the meeting the speakers dealt in the m<ain with the internál political situation. Árpád Göncz, a writer, spoke on behalf of the Free Democrats Alliance about the question of the continuity and discontinuity of the practice of power: he believes that the formation of parties is inopportune, only aiding the present political leadership by adding a semblance of legality. He repeated the Free Democrats Alliance’s demand that the Network should change its name. Károly Vígh. a histórián, spoke on behalf of the Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Friendship Society about power sharing, the deepening crisis and the hasty measures which result from this, fór example the unlawful and unjustified violence shown to pro- testers at the November l$th démonstration. The sociologist Iván Vitányi gave an account of the objectives of the New March Front, thai Iván Baba an ethnographer asked the participants to coordinate their political activities this being the most important task of the Network. After this the Young Democrats Alliance’s representative read out the programme which will be organised by many independent groups on December lOth Saturday at 7 pm in the Goldberger Factory’s Cultural Centre on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the U.N.s declaration on univerzál humán rights. The lecturers included Dr Zsolt Zetányi, Imre Mécs, Dr Sara Éliás and Levente Ruttkay, the Budapest Spring Circle alsó takespart. In the second half Ferenc Miszlivetz a sociologist lectured on the aims of the Network - to activate those people who distance themselves from politics, to pro- mote their initiatives and to encourage dialógus and co-operation between differ- ent organisations. Dr Sára Éliás outlined the practical realisation of these aims. The Network has an office, its practical tasks will be executed by a co-ordinating eommittee in which all organisations can be represented and in whose work everybody can take part. The Network’s supporters decided nőt to change the name of their organisation and to hold a council meeting in the middle of December. Subscribers can use or quote the Hungárián October newsletters in totál or in detail as long as the source is acknowledged.