1988. augusztus (184-207. szám) / HU_BFL_XIV_47_2

®m£ Editor: György Krassó * 24/D Little Russell Street ‘ London. WC1A 2HN * Tel. 01-430 2126 (írom abroad 441-430 2126) 184/1988 (E) 3rd August, 1988 Jurta Theatre Performances are Prevented. Jenő Andics Speaks About the New Law of the Right to Assemble and Unité. Jenő Andics, the leader of the agitprop department of the Hungárián Socialist Workers Party’s Central Committee, made a statement about the new right to assemble and unité law in an interview in yesterday’s issue of the Magyar Hírlap ("Hungárián News") entitled "The Jurta Theatre Again. Let’s Make a Clean Breast of itj". The basic principles of the new law were decided on July 13th-14.th session of the Cen­tral Committee and although it did nőt eome before Parliament Andics announced that it vd.ll probably be passed by January lst 1989. He said that from this date only in- dependent movements which have received permission to register offieially will be considereet legal. Andics said of the Jurta Theatre that it dresses its economic problems up in political garb and that it can only extricate itself from its diffi- cult financial situation if, instead of drawing up lease contracts with political organisations, it puts a better cultural programme together. Andics denied that the Theatre need suffer. On Sunday evening 700 people celebrated the Jurta Theatre and applauded its perfor- mance in Templom Square in Szentendre, although they sat in darkness, with only one floodlight, as the Street lighting had been switched off. The performance in Deb­recen could nőt be held due to the "renovation" of the Sports Hall, in Miscolc the stage rent was unacceptably high and in Kecskemét the programme was nőt permitted at all, The play they are performing was written by Kassa monks in 14.65 with the long title "A Play Written in Blessed Memory of the beath, Suffering and Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ", its connection witlj Hungary is that a fourth king appears besides the three biblical kings, King Stephen of Hungary who alsó greets the in­fant Jesus in Bethlehem. The company could only hold eight out of its fifteen per­formances because of state interference, The committee formed two weeks ago in defence of the Jurta Theatre made a statement about another article published by the Magyar Hírlap on Saturday. The statement dated August lst says that this represents another attack by the political leadership against the Jurta Theatre and "its only aim is to eliminate the Jurta Theatre, this independent, democratic institute of East-Europe",---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Subscribers can use or quote the Hungárián October newsletters in totál or in detail as long as the source is acknowledged.

