1988. április (71-108. szám) / HU_BFL_XIV_47_2
^ «hií(<R«rian (^)octobeb» J (SÍK ; Editor: György Krassó » 24/D Little Russell Street * London, WC1A 2HN * Tel. 01-430 2126 (írom abroad 441-430 2126) 71/1988 (E) lst April, 1988 B An Independent Youth Organisation Called the p "Young Democrats Allianee1’ is Formed h Hungárián society’s democratic self-organisation has arrived at an important new juncture. The independent forums - unions, clubs and friendship societies - have been active fór somé time, the environmentalists recently established a common co-ordination ~ committee, the formation of the first independent unión, the Scientific Workers Demo- j» cratic Union, is about to take piacé, and today marks the end of KISZ’s (louth Com- munist League) more than 30 year rule as the representative of Hungárián youth. Today April lst at 3 pm the organisers announced the formation of a new youth organisation, the Young Democrats Allianee, in a press conference. íij All the Budapest papers, the editors of independent (samizdat) periodicals and foreign reporters were invited to the conference held in the Ma Chérie cafe on Bartók Béla Street. The máj őrity of the official Hungárián papers were nőt represented bút even so nearly seventy took part. The founder members, among them Tamás Deutsch, Zsolt Nemeth, Dr Viktor Orbán and Dr László Kövér, made a report and answerea questions. First of all Tamas Deutsch read out a publication intended fór the press. It is as follows: K; "On March 30th 1988 a new independent youth allianee was formed called the Young Democrats Allianee (YDA). The founding declaration was signed by 38 university students from various universities and colleges, college students and young graduates. Those jj presnt at the meeting at 12 Menesi Street decided after the debate to immediately form the Allianee and adopted its founding declaration. The declaration contains l the basic political principles of the Allianee, the importance of co-operating with other existing youth organisations and stresses that the formation procedure was completely legal (fulfilling the relevant regulations in the constitution and the Code of Civil Rights). The founders decided that the Alliances rules of organisation and operation must be adopted in its first congress, until then their most important task is to organise its basic cells." | The text of the founding declaration was distributed in the press conference. The declaration says that the new organsiation will assemble "politically active, radical reforming youth groups" and that its establishment is the first step towards eliminat- | ing the chasm revealed by the actual political division of young people and the lack of organisations. The YDA wants to operate as an autonomous, independent youth organ- | isation in public life, following a political trend determined by its members. In questions of representation of interests it wants to co-operate with other organisations Its basic political principles are as follows: the YDA demands the construction of a new Hungary in which a mixed economic model operates regulated by an economic rationale; » in which individual and group interests are free to represent themselves; in whicn the economic effiency of the institute system is co-ordinated with social policies; in which the nation can recover á healthy consciousness which is capable of acting in | the interest of the Hungárián national minorities and is capable of co-operating in the establishment of a demilitarized, united Europe. The YDA will publicise its view in all social, political and economic questions in the interest of its membersnip. It wishes to have a say in political decisions and wishes to prepare its meraebers fór a politocal role. The age limits of the membership will be between 16-35. Subscrip- tions and occasional support will make up its financial sources, bút they want to have a public debate about the division of money from the state budget which is set r Subscribers can use or quote the Hungárián October newsletters in totál or in detail as long as the source is acknowledged.