1987. Különkiadvány, 1987.03.12. / HU_BFL_XIV_47_2

1. Primarily polítical means must contlnue to be used to counter the activities of the opposition-enemy groups. The most important task of the work underway in the interests of suppressing the enemy activities contlnues to be to prevent the this group from developing broader base of mass support and to improve the political work carried out intellectual circles, including that of young intellectuals as well as university and college students. We must strive so that nőt a aingle actual issue, neither environmental protection nor other issues, fali intő the hands of enemy groups. In every area, this primarily requires the acceleration of the implementation of our own program and the increased receptivity toward new questions by party and state organs. 2. The régiónál and institutional party organs must devote greater attention to the party work conducted in intellectual circles, in the area of the press and mass Communications, as well as in academic and cultural institutions. Ve must create forums fór debate where there is an opportunity to openly debate issues of dooestic policy and the probléma of our aocial and economlc development. Tbey should alsó involve the outstanding non-party personalities of the given institution or region in the work of the debate forums and in accordance with our alliance policy devoted greater attention to oonducting regular dialogue with them. 3* The fundamental prerequisite fór politically isolating the enemy groups is the strengthening of party unity, the consistent, principled stand of communists, and the strengthening of the party's political-ideologlcal influence. In the area of the intraparty evaluation of the opposition activity and alsó in the practical political work a stand must be taken against the lenient, un-partylike conduct regarding opposition manifestatlons. We must dernand that leaders and communists working especially in the press and mass Communications and cultural and academic institutions observe our political and educational principles and norms. The domestic successes of the development of socialism must be widely demonstrated and the lessons of the historical path we have taken must be appreciated. We must dernand a consistent, principled stand against all anti-socialsist and anti-marxist manifestatlons. It is nőt possible to tolerate that party members—-without the advance authorization of the responsible party organs—maintain contacts with individuals belonging to enemy groups or that they participate in illegal functions or enemy actions. In the case of such party members the Central Supervisory Commi ttee and the Party and Mass Organizations Department of the Central Committee will develop a uniform procedure: where warranted a disciplinary inquiry will be initiated; if they are members of an organization, let the responsible party organs recall them from the organizations they are members of; and if necessary, let. these party members be excluded from the party. The spreading of the influence of the enemy groups must be prevented, the illegal publishing activity and dissemination of enemy publications must be curtailed. The principle must be asserted that every Citizen is obiigated to observe the laws. The Instruments of administrative restrlctions must be employed against those who are engaged in organized, illegal political activities and maintain contacts with imperialist disruptive and enemy propaganda centers. In granting permission fór foreign travel to those engaged in enemy activities the responsible organs must proceed in strict accordance with the laws. Administrative measures must be Judlciously applied in consideration of far-reaching political considerations. 5. The principles and norms of our publication policy must be consistently asserted: editors violating them must be held accountable. It is nőt possible to tolerate that enemy views disseminated in illegal publications seep intő the press. Without regard to the individual authors who play a role in illegal publications and hostile foreign organs or at enemy rádió stations must be- 2 -

