1987. Különkiadvány, 1987.03.12. / HU_BFL_XIV_47_2

and International political-ideological processes (including the effects of the activities of the opposition) over the last few years; the loosening of citizens' discipline, the ideological-political inaecurity in certain intellectual circles , and the lose of perspective may be observed. In certain strata of society and especially in intellectual circles the perceptible ideological uncertainty is alsó affected by the fact that on more than cne questian, e.g., in the evaluaticn of the further develcpment of the political instituticnal system, eocncmic policy guidelines, as well as the handling of the naticnal-naticnalities issue the neoessaxy unity within the party still does nőt exist. Dús increases the difficulty of uniformly evaluating the cppositicn-eneny groups and impedes a ocnsistent political stand against them. n. Within the cppceiticn-enemy activities two trends oontinue to be cbservable: the radical bourgeois grouping and the naticnalist or radical naticnal trend. (Footnote) (These appellations are nőt exact; their use is justifiable on the grounds of practicality.) 1. The radical bcurgeois grouping is organized and engages in sémi- and illegal activities. It rejects all fonns of existing socialism, the so-called "saviét" types of societies, the cne party system and ocnsiders their strategic goal to be the realizaticn of sane type of "pluralistic democracy" as an altemative to this. The tactical premise of their representatives is that the eocncmic difficulties vihich premise to be enduring, sooner or later, oculd alsó precipitate disaffecticn in Hungary vhich oould open the vay fór them to ccme intő the epén. They have designated the preparatian fór this as their most irrportant task, above all, the creation and oontinuous cperatian of the "seccnd public" as well as the formulatian of the program of the "democratic opposition". The radical bourgeois grouping has a more módéra te wing and a more aggressive cne seeking confrontation; hcwever, the differenoes between them are manifested primarily nőt about political goals bút about methods. The forenost striving of the radical bourgeois grouping in years pást was to becane organized intő an independent political movement and to develop the organizational framework fór its political activities. They have attenpted to revive the activities of the "flying university" and SZETA (Fund fór the Assistance of the Poor) several times, bút as a result of the political offensive and restrictive govemment measures taken against these efforts neither cne is in cperation today. At the same time, since 1982 they have been suocessful, to a considerable degree, in expanding the COTiduits fór the "seccnd public": they operate several illegal publishing and parallel distribution networks, and publish illegal joumals. The hostile rádió stations regularly announoe the writing of illegal publicaticns. Récéntly, a significant rightward shift and an ever more extreme anti-soviet and ccmmunist stemce is observable in the illegal publicaticns. They judge the politics and internál conditions of the socialist countries frem an anti- socialist platform. They alsó cpenly oppose the obligations of the Hungárián People's Republic to its allies. They use the situation of the Hungarians living in neighboring countries and the issue of naticnal ities in generál to attack socialism. What characterizes the picture drawn frcxn the latest illegal publicaticns about the road Hungárián society has traveled since 1956, its present situation, and future prospects is the attack of the party's politics frem all- 2 -

